蕭揚基2014-10-272014-10-272002-02-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30334因省籍、族群的分合與特殊的歷史與地理因素,以及兩岸互動現況等,所造成人民對國家認同分歧的現象,此一現象可能對我國落實民主化產生某種程度的影響。本文所關心的主題是,即將成為公民的高中學生,他們的國家認同態度與現況究竟是如何呢?因此,本文擬環繞著「現階段高中學生國家認同的現況及其影響因素究竟為何?我們應該如何看待高中學生國家認同問題」這個主題展開。首先指出國家認同的涵義,藉以釐清研究主題的相關概念,緊接著討論國家認同如何測量的問題?說明所採用問卷內容乃涉及族群、制度與文化認同等內涵;並透過高中學生國家認同的資料取得和結果分析,呈現高中學生國家認同及其相關影響因素之間的關連性;最後,根據研究結果與發現作成結論與建議。Nationd identity can make some extensive influences to the practice of democracy in our country because the condition of differentiating national identity of people was made by the separation and the combination of the provincial origins, ethnicity, special reasons of history, factors of geography and the condition of China and Taiwan's interchange. The main question of this essay is: what are the conditions and attitudes of national identity of high school students who will soon become citizens. This essay started to account the present condition of national identity of high school students and what kind of factors that influence their national identity. First, it pointed to the meaning of national identity to clear the relative conceptions of studying. Then, it told how to measure the national identity by explaining the contents of questionnaire which related identity with nationalities, institutions, culture and so on. After that, it also presented the correlative factors of high school students' national identity and other relative by through getting and analyzing the materials about high school students' national identity. Finally, it made the conclusions and suggestions according to the findings of the study.高中學生國家認同族群認同文化認同制度認同臺灣地區高中學生國家認同及其相關因素The Study on National Identity and Relevant Factors of High School Students in Taiwan