溫明麗教授周馨怡2019-08-282008-03-312019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694000107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90083台北市公立國中學生電視素養之調查-以台灣電視綜藝節目為例 摘要 媒介教育是現今重要的課程之ㄧ,在媒介資訊如此發達的社會中,國中學生面對綜藝節目品質日益低落的情形下,是否有能力對電視節目內容加以判斷及思考,此為本研究所欲探討之重心,故本研究主要目的在於瞭解國中學生對於電視綜藝節目內容的辨識情形,並針對調查結果提出建議,以供學校安排課程時之參考。本研究依照學校規模及地區房價,先將96學年度台北市立公立國中區分為高、中、低三類社經背景,再從中各抽取四所學校,累計共抽出12所國中共計36班,並針對國中各年級學生共976位進行調查。研究工具則為「台北市國中學生電視素養問卷」。 綜合言之,本研究經由資料處理及分析後獲致之結論如下: 一、國民中學學生整體電視素養程度日趨進步 二、關注傳統理論的電視素養較多,關注現代的電視素養較少 三、學生在電視收視時間、動機與喜愛節目類型等收視行為管理欠佳 四、家庭社經地位的落差會影響學生電視素養能力 五、學生對於綜藝節目類型之選擇會影響其電視素養之表現 六、藉由加強學生電視素養認知層面,將能有效提升其批判思考技能 根據上述研究發現,本研究亦對節目製作單位、教育單位、學校、家庭教育及未來研究方向提出建議。A Research of student Television Literacy in Public Junior High Schools -An Example of Taiwan’s TV variety shows Abstract Media education is one of the most important courses. The media is flushing all over the country. The lower quality programming of TV has deeply influenced the junior high student . Judging from the ability to identify the TV program becomes our subject for research. The result will be submitted to the school for the reference to arrange the courses. This survey is based on the scale of the school and the real estate . First of all, we divide Taipei city junior high school into three parts as high ,middle ,low living standard. from each of them, we choose 4 as the sample . It sums up 12 schools. In other words , there are 36 classrooms which is 976 students included. The method for this research is to fill out the form called the survey of media literacy education for Taipei city junior high students. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The National Middle School students overall quality of television Literacy increasing degree of progress. 2. Concerned about the theory of traditional TV quality more concerned about quality of modern television less. 3. Students in the TV ratings, motivation and audience favorite type of program management poor. 4. Family socioeconomic status differences in quality, television will affect the ability of students. 5. The types of students shows the choice will affect its performance TV quality. 6. By the quality of the student television cognitive technical level, will be able to effectively enhance its critical thinking skills. Based on the research findings, several suggestions are offerd for authorities of educationl administration, elementary schools, family education and future practice and research.媒介素養媒介教育電視素養綜藝節目批判性思考Media literacyMedia EducationTelevision LiteracyVariety ShowCritical Thinking台北市公立國中學生電視素養之調查-以台灣電視綜藝節目為例A Research of student Television Literacy in Public Junior High Schools -An Example of Taiwan’s TV variety shows