鄔佩麗Wu, Pei-Li莊芷昀Chuang, Chih-Yun2019-08-282018-12-312019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060301069E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90592本研究目的在探討孩童與家務移工的關係經驗,並了解此經驗所帶來的意義與影響,採用質性研究中的敘事研究法,進行資料蒐集與分析,透過研究參與者的生命故事,以及研究者的理解與詮釋,了解孩童與家務移工相處與分離的經驗。 研究者以立意取樣方式選取三位研究對象,皆為女性成人,採用半結構式的訪談大綱,各進行兩次的深度訪談,接著將訪談內容轉錄為文本,並以敘事研究法中的「整體—內容」進行分析。 本研究結果如下,第一,孩童與家務移工建立關係包含以下過程:(1)親子互動減少(2)家務移工陪伴(3)關係建立。第二,孩童在面對分離經驗時的反應與需求有其獨特性;分離的反應會受到與家務移工的依附程度、父母是否提供環境支持,以及分離形式的影響;分離的需求則為需要父母的陪伴與支持以度過情感的失落,同時也反映孩童內在的依附需求。第三,孩童會透過觀察父母的行為與態度,去理解家務移工在父母眼中的定位與角色,並且會依據父母的態度而形成自己獨特的詮釋,進而影響其與父母的互動。 最後,研究者根據研究結果,分別針對孩童、家長、助人工作者以及未來研究提出建議,以利參考。The purpose of this study was to explore the separation experiences between children and migrant domestic workers. Narrative research method was applied to collect and analyze data. Interviews were conducted for the participants to narrate their life stories. Also, the interpretations and understandings from the researcher were to explore the separation experiences between children and migrant domestic workers. Three females were selected as the participants through purposive sampling method. Semi-structured and in-depth interviews, each was two times, were applied. The recordings were transformed to transcriptions and written in first-person life stories. The narrated texts were analyzed by the holistic-content approach from narrative analysis models. The results of this study were as follows. First, the relationship establishment between children and migrant domestic workers involved the following processes: (a) reduction of parent-child interactions; (b) the companionship with the migrant domestic workers; (c) relationship establishment. Second, children had unique reactions and needs when the separation experiences occurred. The separation reactions were affected by the degree of the dependency on the migrant domestic workers of the family, the degree of environmental support from parents, and the different separated ways. Moreover, children needed accompany and supports from parents in order to get through the loss and it was also influenced by attachment styles. Third, children observed the behaviors and attitudes of their parents to understand the position and role of the migrant domestic workers, and formed their own unique interpretations based on their parents, which in turn affected their interactions with their parents. In the end, based on the research results, the researchers proposed some recommendations for children, their parents and facilitators, and provide suggestions for future research.家務移工分離經驗依附關係敘事研究AttachmentMigrant domestic workersNarrative researchSeparation experiences我想和妳說再見—孩童與家務移工分離經驗之敘事研究Unspoken Goodbye: The Narrative Research on Children Separation Experiences with Migrant Domestic Workers