陳學志湯凱筑Tang, Kai-Chu2019-08-282018-07-192019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005A02110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88793本研究旨在探討國小教師之教師專業學習社群態度及參加行為對創意教學自我效能及幸福感之影響。研究對象為各縣市國小教師,採用線上問卷進行便利取樣,以「教師參與專業學習社群行為問卷」、「國小教師專業學習社群態度知覺量表」、「創意教學自我效能感」及「教師幸福感量表」作為研究工具,共回收423份有效問卷,針對問卷資料進行描述性統計分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法。主要研究結果如下: 一、男性教師的專業學習社群態度、創意教學自我效能及幸福感顯著高於女性教師。 二、不同教育程度的教師在專業學習社群態度、創意教學自我效能及幸福感上未達顯著差異。 三、兼任行政的教師其專業學習社群態度、創意教學自我效能及幸福感顯著高於未兼任行政之教師。 四、自願參加、參加頻率1-2次及3-4次、參加總次數1-5次、6-10次及10次以上的教師其專業學習社群態度顯著高於從未參加的教師。 五、自願參加、參加頻率3-4次、參加總次數6-10次的教師其創意教學自我效能顯著高於從未參加的教師;而在社群類型上則沒有差異。 六、自願參加、參加頻率1-2次、參加總次數6-10次的教師其幸福感顯著高於從未參加的教師;而在社群類型上則沒有差異。 七、國小教師參與學習社群的態度對於參加社群行為與創意教學自我效能及幸福感之間沒有調節效果。 最後,研究者將根據研究結果提出具體建議,做為教師參與教師專業學習社群及未來相關研究之參考。This study aims to investigate the effect of attitudes and participation behaviors of elementary school teachers' professional learning community (PLC) on the self-efficacy of creative teaching and well-being. The research objects of this study are the national elementary school teachers in each county, using the online questionnaire survey method and conveniently sampling, recruided the "Teacher Participation in Professional Learning Community Behavior Questionnaire", "Elementary School Teachers' Professional Learning Community Attitude Consciousness Scale", "Self-efficacy of Creative Teaching" and "Teacher Well-being Scale" as research tools. The total 423 effective questionnaires were collected for descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis, independent sample t test, one way ANOVA and regression analysis. The main findings are as follows: 1.The male teachers had significant higher PLC attitudes, creative teaching self-efficacy and well-being than female teachers. 2.There was no diffrenece on the teachers' education levels on the PLC attitude, creative teaching self-efficacy and well-being. 3.The PLC attitudes, creative teaching self-efficacy and well-being had significant higher in teachers serving concurrently as administrators of school affairs. 4.The teachers who participated voluntarily, in the frequency of 1-2 times and 3-4 times, as well as in the total number of 1-2 times, 6-10 times and more than 10 times, have significant higher professional learning community attitudes than who never participated. 5.The teachers who participated voluntarily, participated in the frequency of 3-4 times, and participated in the total number of 6-10 times had significantly higher self-efficacy in creative teaching than those who never participated; but there was no difference in the type of community. 6.The teachers who participated voluntarily, participated in the frequency of 1-2 times, and participated in the total number of 6-10 times had significantly higher well-being than those who had never participated; but there was no difference in the type of community. 7.The attitude of the elementary teachers participating in the learning community has no effect on the participating community behavior, self-efficacy of creative teaching and well-being. Base on the previous results, the researcher will propose specific recommendations as a reference for teachers' participation in the teacher professional learning community and future related research.教師專業學習社群創意教學自我效能幸福感Professional Learning CommunitiesSelf-efficacy of Creative TeachingWell-being國小教師參與專業學習社群的態度及行為對創意教學自我效能及幸福感之影響The effect of attitudes and participation behaviors of elementary school teachers' professional learning community on the self-efficacy of creative teaching and well-being.