游美貴Yu, Mei-Kuei劉晏如Liu, Yen-Ju2019-08-282018-08-202019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060389007I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85992近年來,台灣發生數起無差別殺/傷人事件,因媒體過度渲染、大眾缺乏對思覺失調症的認識,社會激起一陣對精神疾病的惶恐,漸漸影響思覺失調症康復者的康復之路,從社區的不友善、家人的害怕和工作的歧視,讓思覺失調症康復者成為無差別殺傷人事件中被噤聲的代罪羔羊。 因此,本研究選擇質性研究呈現受訪者的聲音,並運用深度訪談法探討近年無差別殺/傷人事件頻傳與媒體大肆報導的氛圍下,九位思覺失調症康復者對此現象的看法和感受,本研究目的如下 一、探討思覺失調症康復者對於無差別殺/傷人事件之看法與感受。 二、瞭解於無差別殺/傷人事件發生後,思覺失調症康復者對於大眾易對精神康復族群產生較負面的連結及污名化的經驗。 三、根據本研究結果,提供實務工作者讓思覺失調症康復者發聲的策略與建議。   研究結果發現,從受訪者的康復經驗和生命故事中,發現受訪者們較能同理嫌犯面對精神疾病時的脆弱情境並顯現社會支持的重要性,故思覺失調症康復者的聲音應被重視,成為預防無差別殺/傷人事件的關鍵。無差別殺/傷人事件發生後,媒體成為污名的重要推手,且原有的疾病污名和事件後續的污名相互交織,也加深了社會氛圍不友善與受訪者的人際關係,更讓受訪者產生自我懷疑的污名態度,使康復之路更顯得寸步難行。   台灣無差別殺/傷人事件與思覺失調症康復者間的錯誤連結,逐漸影響受訪者的生活,建議適時地規範新聞媒體的污名化報導,並加強大眾的心理衛生觀念,精神領域的實務工作者應多重視倡議工作,藉由實際接觸和重現康復者的聲音,化解精神疾病之刻板印象,營造友善的社會氛圍,讓社區的精神康復者有勇於求助的機會。另外,無差別殺/傷人事件之預防政策,應多傾聽思覺失調症康復者的聲音與建議,以了解悲劇背後的複雜原因,才能編織完備的社會安全網。 關鍵詞:無差別殺/傷人事件、思覺失調症、污名、媒體、社會支持In recent years, several randomly killing events had occurred in Taiwan, due to the excessive media hypes and the lack of public awareness about Schizophrenia, panic over mental disorder grew and spread in the society. From the unfriendliness of the community, the fear of family members and the discriminations at work, Schizophrenia patients have become scapegoats who were kept silent in this events. For this reason, this study chooses qualitative research to present the respondents’ voices, and applies in-depth interview method to discuss the perceptions and feelings of nine Schizophrenia patients undergoing rehabilitation towards the frequent occurrence of randomly killing events and the media hype of it in recent years. The results of the study found that the respondents tend to be more empathetic to the vulnerability of suspects facing psychiatric diseases, which demonstrates the importance of social support. Therefore, the voices of Schizophrenia patients undergoing rehabilitation should be heard, and it could be critical to the prevention of randomly killing events. After the events, the stigmatization of the patients was largely pushed by the media. Moreover, the original stigma of the disease itself and the stigma of incidents are intertwined and intensified. The respondents would even have self-stigma, which makes their road to rehabilitation impossible. The improper connection of randomly killing events and Schizophrenia patients has gradually influenced respondents’ life in Taiwan. It is recommended to normalize media coverage on stigmatization and strengthen the public’s concept on mental health, practitioners should focus on advocacy work, voice Schizophrenia patients for defuse the stereotype of mental illness. In addition, in the prevention policies of randomly killing events, there should be more value where the voices and suggestions of Schizophrenia patients undergoing rehabilitation. Keywords: Randomly killing events; Schizophrenia; Stigma; Media; Social support無差別殺/傷人事件思覺失調症污名媒體社會支持Randomly killing eventsSchizophreniaStigmaMediaSocial support精神康復者對無差別殺/傷人事件的看法之研究:以思覺失調症為例The Perspectives of People in Recovery from Schizophrenia on the Randomly Killing Events