林歐貴英陳怡真2019-08-282013-08-082019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094062103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86840本研究為研究者以幼教現場工作者的身份,在個人任教之幼兒園中,實施老幼代間環境教育課程之研究。研究目的有三:(一)暸解老幼代間環境教育課程之建構與實施情形;(二)探討幼兒在老幼代間環境教育課程之學習歷程與成長;(三)探討研究者對於老幼代間環境教育課程之研究心得與感想。 研究者依據社區資源、長輩的專長、幼兒的興趣和相關理論設計課程,邀請6位社區長輩和大班幼兒30名(男生15名和女生15名)參與,運用環境教育為媒介,進行一系列共12次的老幼代間環境教育課程,透過教學省思札記、觀察紀錄、幼兒學習單、幼兒課後哭笑臉活動回憶畫、訪談記錄、活動照片以及長輩與家長的回饋等,瞭解幼兒對於本課程的回應。本研究分析後發現:(一)長輩會適時運用機會教育,指導幼兒環保教育和生活常規;(二)透過帶領幼兒走訪社區,經由長輩的介紹,能建立幼兒們的社區概念;(三)日常生活行動中與團體討論中,知道環保的概念已奠基於幼兒的心靈中;(四)幼兒的環境覺知、環境知識、環境倫理、公民活動技能和公民行動經驗有改變。透過老幼代間環境教育課程能達到長輩經驗與技藝的傳承,並充實幼兒的環境概念和強化幼兒對環境愛護的情操。 除了上述良好的教學成效外,本研究亦有以下幾點重要發現─長輩認為本課程的優點:(一)生活經驗分享的充實與喜悅;(二)分享現代孩子的童年,猶如返老還童;(三)促進不同世代的親情交流;(四)達到終身學習;(五)認識志同道合的社區朋友;(六)體驗當老師的經驗,非常有成就感。而家長認為本課程的優點:(一)增進課程多元化發展;(二)環保觀念生活化;(三)培養敬老尊賢的情操;(四)培養愛校、愛社區的理念;(五)強化幼兒母語的能力。 研究者希冀透過本研究之代間環境教育課程,所看到的代間互動和經驗與技藝傳承情況的展現,能夠引發大家思考代間環境教育的重要性,並藉此培養幼兒從小關心與愛護環境的情操,且透過研究的歷程和教學中的自我省思,增進研究者在教學上、課程設計能力上之成長。 關鍵字:環境教育、代間課程、幼兒、老人This study of intergenerational program for environmental education was carried out in the researcher’s class. There were 3 purposes in this study: (1) understanding of the construction and implementation on the intergenerational environmental education program, (2)probing into the children’s learning process and growth in the curriculum, and (3) probing into the researcher’s attainment and the feelings regarding the curriculum. The researcher based on the community resources, the elder's specialty, the students' interest and the correlation theory designed the curriculum. The researcher invited 6 old community citizens and 30 children (15 kindergarten boys and 15 kindergarten girls) to join this program and used environmental education as a medium to carry out a series of 12 periods of intergenerational environmental education curriculum. The data of the research were collected through the log, the introspection, the observation record, children’s study list, children’s work, interview record, active pictures and, the back coupling of the elder and children’s parents, etc, to understand the children regarding this curriculum. By analyzing the results, the researcher found that: (1) the seniors would teach children manners and how to protect and care for the environment when the time is right, (2) by leading the children visiting the community, the children were able to build up the concept of community through the seniors’ introduction, (3) through daily activities and group discussions, the concepts of environmental protection have been set up in the children’s mind, (4) there were advances in children’s environmental awareness, environmental knowledge, environmental ethics, citizen action skills and citizen action experiences after the integrated learning. Through the intergenerational environmental education program, we could achieve the passing-down of experience and skills from the seniors, enrich children’s concepts of environment and strengthen children’s affection for environmental protection. In addition to the above teaching gains, this study also found the following. The seniors thought this program with the following advantages: (1) the enrichment and pleasure to share their life experiences, (2) returning to their childhood by joining modern children's life, (3 ) promoting the exchange of affection between different generations, (4) achieving life-long learning, (5) making friends with shared interests in the community, and (6) the glory to be a teacher. The parents thought this program with the following advantages: (1) promoting the diverse development of the curriculum, (2) carrying out the ideas of environmental protection in daily life, (3) teaching children respect for the seniors, (4) improving children’s love for school and community, and (5) strengthening children’s ability to use mother tongue. The researcher hoped to enable the interaction between generations and the passing-down of experiences and skills, make people think about the importance of intergenerational environmental education and promote students’ affection for the environmental protection through this intergenerational environmental education program. The researcher also expected to realize the researcher’s growth in teaching and curriculum design through the procedures of this research and the introspection. Key words: Environmental education, Intergenerational program, Children, Senior環境教育代間課程幼兒老人Environmental educationIntergenerational programChildrenSenior老幼代間環境教育課程建構之探究-以基隆市某國小附幼為例The research of intergenerational program for environmental education