呂光洋Kuang-Yang Lue張立宜Li-Yi Chang2019-09-052011-8-222019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696430473%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104279資源利用的區隔,常被視為共域的相似物種之間能夠達成共存的方法,透過比對群聚間在共域及異域分布時對資源利用區隔的情況,有助於瞭解物種競爭的機制作用在哪些層面。本研究自2009年6月至2011年5月間,於合歡山、能高山、雲稜及小雪山等地區調查研究臺灣山椒魚(Hynobius formosanus)與楚南氏山椒魚(Hynobius sonani)兩物種彼此間在棲地選擇及食性方面的資源利用之差異,並探討這兩種山椒魚群聚間資源利用區隔的策略。研究結果顯示,不論是在共域或異域分布區,臺灣山椒魚與楚南氏山椒魚彼此間利用的棲地林相類型皆存在著資源利用區隔的現象,而在棲地遮蔽物大小、基質類型及食物類型的利用則沒有顯著的差異。楚南氏山椒魚在異域分布區的林相棲位寬度較窄 (Ba=0.000),在共域分布區則較寬 (Ba=0.973),顯示楚南氏山椒魚在共域分布區的族群,其利用特定棲地林相類型之專一性降低。在生態棲位重疊度方面,共域分布的臺灣山椒魚與楚南氏山椒魚彼此間以林相棲位重疊度最小 (O=0.772),但是物種在資源利用上可能受限於環境資源的可得性,因此生態棲位重疊度可能與物種的棲息環境有較高的關聯性,而與個體自身對資源之選擇的關聯性較低。Resource partitioning is often considered as one way for species to coexist in sympatric areas with other species. To compare resource partitioning between sympatric and allopatric populations may help us to understand the mechanism of competition among species. In this study we investigated the difference in habitat preference and diets between Hynobius formosanus and Hynobius sonani in Hehuan, Nenggao, Nanhu, and Xiaoxue Mountain areas from June 2009 to May 2011. Results showed that H. formosanus and H. sonani inhabited in different vegetations. No significant difference was found between their shelter coverage sizes, substrate types, and foods. The niche breadth in vegetation of H. sonani was relatively narrow in allopatric distribution (Ba=0.000), while it was wide in sympatric distribution (Ba=0.973). This suggests that the sympatric population of H. sonani may decrease the specificity of vegetation preference. In terms of niche overlap, H. formosanus and H. sonani had the lowest level in niche overlap of vegetation (O=0.772) in sympatric areas. However, the accessibility of environmental resources may limit the resource utilization in these two salamanders. We suggested that niche overlap may be related more with habitat environmental condition rather than the resource preference of individuals.山椒魚資源利用區隔棲地食性生態棲位salamanderresource partitioninghabitatdietniche臺灣山椒魚與楚南氏山椒魚棲地及食性資源利用區隔之比較研究Habitat and diet resource partitioning between Hynobius formosanus and Hynobius sonani