呂建政李穎昕2019-08-282010-7-222019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093073204%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88328本研究旨在探討臺北市女童軍運動發展之現況,包括臺北市女童軍會會務推展現況及臺北市女童軍團團務發展現況。研究方法採用文獻分析、半結構式訪談及問卷調查法,研究工具為自編之「臺北市女童軍團團務發展現況調查問卷」及訪談大綱。 研究者以臺北市女童軍會提供之民國93-97年度三項登記、活動辦理文件進行分析,並訪談三位會務人員,得到會務推展現況之結論如下: 一、臺北市女童軍會之組織發展歷經草創時期、蓬勃起飛時期、穩定時期,現進入轉變時期。 二、臺北市女童軍會在幼女童軍、女童軍、服務員等三個階段的活動辦理較為穩定。 三、臺北市女童軍登記人數逐年遞減,並有朝向複式團發展的趨勢。 四、臺北市女童軍會會務推展的展望包括:服務員培育制度的健全、學校團社區化、發展聯團合作、成立分區輔導制度。 另對民國98年度辦理三項登記且維持團務運作之臺北市女童軍階段團長共44人,以自編問卷進行普查,並邀請其中8人接受訪談,得到女童軍團團務發展現況之結論如下: 一、臺北市女童軍團大部份為學校團、單一團、並成立10年以上。 二、臺北市女童軍團團長素質良好,人力資源分配不均,為克服社會資源與人力資源之不足,發展出聯團合作的活動辦理模式。 三、臺北市女童軍團經費設備足夠,各項會議的召開則有待落實。 四、臺北市女童軍團之團內活動多數能正常辦理,但市會、總會活動的參與率偏低。 五、主辦單位、團務委員會為主要資源提供者,半數之臺北市女童軍團能運用行銷策略建構社會資源。 六、升學壓力、女童軍與服務員召募困難,對團務運作最具影響。 七、臺北市女童軍團長對女童軍活動辦理多有期許,對團務研習有所需求。 依據上述結論,本研究提出相關建議,以作為臺北市女童軍團、臺北市女童軍會及未來後續研究之參考。The purpose of this research is to discuss the present situation and development of Girl Scouting, including school-based and community-based units, in Taipei City. The researcher uses literature analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires to collect information and data. The researchers analyzed the membership registration data from 2004 to 2008 and activities archives provided by Taipei City Girl Scout Council and interviewed three council staff members. The conclusion of the current situation is as follows: 1. The stage of organizational development of Taipei City Girl Scout Council can be described as the early-starting period, period of take-off, stable period, and the period of changes. 2. The activities provided for Brownies, Girl Scouts, Leaders are more stable and in regular basis. 3. The number of registered Girl Scouts is decreasing year by year. The trend is toward the development of more Girl Scout Groups, which provide programs for more than two age-sections. 4. The vision for the operation of Taipei City Girl Scout Council are to develop a sound Leader Training System, to have more community-based unit, to cooperate local groups and form alliance in the district, and to establish the District Commissioner and Guidance System. The researcher used questionnaire to survey 44 Girl Scout Leaders of Taipei City, and invited 8 of them for interview, in order to understanding the current situation of Girl Scout Unit, and the researcher concluded: 1. Most of the Girl Scout Units in Taipei City is school-based, and the Unit provides only one age-section activities. Most units have established for more than 10 years. 2. The quality of Girl Scout Leaders of Taipei City is outstanding. However, the human resources are distributed unevenly in the city. To overcome the shortage of lack of human and social resources, the mode of cooperation several units and to form alliance group to conduct activities was developed recently. 3. Girl Scout Units in Taipei City have enough funds and sufficient equipment. However, the conduct of unit meetings needs to be improved. 4. Girl Scout Units in Taipei City conduct many activities by themselves, but it shows low participation rate to the activities held by the Taipei City Girl Scout Council and Girl Scouts of Taiwan at national level. 5. Both the Charter Organization and Unit Committee are the main resource providers, half of Girl Scout Units in Taipei City use marketing strategies to solicit social and financial resources. 6. The main factors that influencing Girl Scouting in Taipei City are the academic pressure facing by students and difficulties in recruiting Girl Scouts and Leaders. 7. Unit Leaders have many expectations on the activities held by Taipei City Girl Scout Council, and they also have learning needs on Unit operations. Based on the conclusions, specific suggestions have been proposed for Girl Scout Unit in Taipei City, Taipei City Girl Scout Council, and future researchers.女童軍運動女童軍會女童軍團Girl ScoutingGirl Scout CouncilGirl Scout Unit臺北市女童軍運動發展現況之研究