陳哲銘藍振皓Lan, Chen-Hao2020-12-142020-07-112020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060323029L%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110541  本研究旨在針對高中地理科進行探究式學習課程設計,檢視實施探究式學習對於核心素養的學習成效,以及其對於不同程度的學生之核心素養學習成效之差異,以期培養具備核心素養的主動終身學習者。本研究採用「5E 探究式學習模式」來設計教學流程與學生活動,而教學設計的主軸則依照探究的路徑,將每個地理議題以一連串有難度層次、由淺至深,並具有邏輯順序的「關鍵問題」方式來呈現。本研究使用準實驗研究法,於課程前後進行核心素養的前後測,同時輔以質性訪談與學習歷程資料等分析,以綜合檢視核心素養的學習成效。   研究結果發現本研究設計之探究式學習課程適用於十二年國教的高中地理科,而實施探究式學習不但有助於提升高中地理科的核心素養,同時也適用於不同程度的學生,但對於認知能力的提升則與講述法沒有顯著差異。探究式學習相較於講述法的主要優點在於有利營造自由討論的學習環境,進而達到以「學生為中心」的教學願景。  The purpose of the study is to design an inquiry-based learning course for geography in senior high school. The learning effects of the core competencies and the difference between students of two different levels were examined. This study uses the "5E Inquiry-based Learning" to design the teaching process. Each geographical issue is presented in a series of "critical questions" with a difficulty level, from easy to hard, and with a logical sequence. The quasi-experimental design, was adopted and the pre-test, and post-test were conducted to the students. Meanwhile, the semi-structured interview and the documentary about the learning process were also used to analyze and explain the research results.   The findings of this study shown that the inquiry-based learning course is suitable for geography in senior high school. It not only promotes the learning effects of the core competencies, but also benefits for the students of different levels. However, there is no significant difference in cognitive ability between the group of inquiry-based learning and the group of didactic teaching. The major merit of inquiry-based learning is creating a learning environment of free discussion, so that the vision of "student-centered" learning can be achieved.探究式學習核心素養高中地理科十二年國教inquiry-based leaningcore competenciesSenior High School Geography12-Year Basic Education探究式學習對於提升高中地理科核心素養學習成效之研究Promoting Learning and Achievements of the Core Competencies for Geography in Senior High School Through Inquiry-based Learning