杞昭安Chi, Chao-An何嬿Ho, Yen2019-08-282018-09-182019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005091319%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91321本研究旨在了解就讀特殊教育學校小五至高三之視覺障礙學生在音樂點字的認知程度、學習上的情況及其相關之看法。本研究採用問卷調查法中普查法,以台北啟明、台中啟明、台中惠明三所盲校及高雄楠梓特殊學校中使用點字為主要文字學習與閱讀媒介之視覺障礙學生為研究對象。問卷回收資料採用SPSS 23.0 for windows的統計套裝軟體進行資料建檔及分析, 依據研究結果獲致以下結論; 一、台北啟明與台中啟明學校學生於音樂點字的認知情況由高至低依序為音符式、點字樂譜的基本規則、音程式(新國際點字音樂記譜法);台中惠明與高雄楠梓特殊學校學生於音樂點字的認知情況由高至低依序為音符式、音程式(新國際點字音樂記譜法)、點字樂譜的基本規則:在四所特殊教育學校視覺障礙學生整體音樂點字的認知情況由高至低依序為音符式、點字樂譜的基本規則、音程式(新國際點字音樂記譜法)。 二、不同就讀學校、使用點字年資、音樂學習年資與音樂點字認知存在顯著差異。不同就讀學校、性別、年級、父親教育程度、家庭月收入、音樂學習年資之視障學生與音樂點字的學習動機存在顯著差異。 三、視障學生音樂點字的認知與學習動機為不存在顯著相關關係。 四、視障學生學習音樂點字的動機由高至低排序前五名依序為:1.為自我充實、2.為個人興趣、3.為一技之長、4.為未來工作需要、5.因希望從事音樂工作。 根據研究結果,提出具體建議,俾提供視障教育工作者、教育行政機關、及後續研究做為參考。This study investigated the degree of cognition of, learning situations on, and views on braille music code among students with visual impairments studying in special schools; the students were from Grades 5 to 12. This study uses the census method in a questionnaire survey method, to study students who used the Braille system as their main learning tool in the Taipei School for the Visually Impaired, Taichung School for the Visually Impaired, Taichung Huei-Ming School, and Kaohsiung Municipal Special School. The questionnaire data were archived and analyzed using SPSS 23.0 for Windows, and the following results were obtained: 1. For students from the Taipei and Taichung Schools for the Visually Impaired, their degrees of cognition of the different aspects of braille music code were, listed in descending order, braille music note, basic braille music rules, and braille intervallic notation. For students from the Taichung Huei-Ming School and Kaohsiung Municipal Special School, their degree of cognition of the different aspects of braille music code were, listed in descending order, braille music note, braille intervallic notation, and basic braille music rules. Overall, for students from the four schools, their degree of cognition of the different aspects of braille music code were, listed in descending order, braille music note, basic braille music rules, and braille intervallic notation ( New International Manual of Braille Music Notation ). 2. The cognition of braille music code varied significantly among students from different special schools, who used braille for varying number of years, and who learned music for varying number of years. In addition, the cognition of braille music code varied significantly among students from different schools, of different sexes, of different grade levels, whose fathers had varying education levels, and whose families had varying monthly income. Moreover, learning motivations for braille music code varied significantly between students according to the number of years they spent learning music. 3. No significant correlation was found between cognition of braille music code and learning motivations in these students. 4. The students’ top 5 learning motivations for braille music code, listed in descending order, were (a) for self-enrichment; (b) for personal interest; (c) for developing a skill; (d) for future work needs; and (e) desire to have music jobs. Recommendations were proposed on the basis of the results of this study to serve as references to educators of students with visual impairment, educational institutions, and future studies.特殊教育學校視覺障礙學生音樂點字認知special schoolsstudents with visual impairmentsbraille music codecognition特殊教育學校視覺障礙學生音樂點字認知之研究Research on the Cognition of Braille Music Code for Students with Visual Impairments in Special Schools