程瑞福林琦鴻2019-09-052007-2-272019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692300125%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105544高雄市國民中學體育教師學習動機與專業成長需求之研究 研 究 生:林琦鴻 指導教授:程瑞福 日 期:民國96年1月 摘 要 本研究旨在探討高雄市國民中學體育教師學習動機與專業成長需求之關係,採問卷調查法,發出問卷160份,有效回收114份,有效樣本回收率為71.25%。以SPSS12.0 for Windows進行統計分析,統計方法包括:項目分析、因素分析、信度分析、描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關。 茲將本研究所得結論歸納如下: 一、高雄市國民中學體育教師之學習動機主要可歸類「求知興趣」、「職 業進展」、「逃避或刺激」及「外界期望」等四個向度。需求可歸類為「教學與評量」、「行政管理」、「課程設計」、「運動技能」及「研究創發」等五大類。 二、高雄市國民中學體育教師之學習動機具中上水準,在「求知興趣」 上表現較佳,其他依序為「逃避或刺激」、「職業進展」及「外界 期望」。 三、高雄市國民中學體育教師之專業成長需求呈現多元且認同度高的 情形,在「教學與評量」上的需求度較高,其他依序為「課程設計」、「行政管理」、「運動技能」及「研究創發」。 四、高雄市國民中學體育教師之學習動機與專業成長需求呈正相關, 整體性 r = .575。在動機方面以「逃避或刺激」與需求各類別 的相關係數最高。 五、未婚的且服務年資未滿五年的女性教師學習動機最高。 關鍵字:學習動機、專業成長需求、體育教師Abstract The purposes of this study were to discuss the motivations and need of learning participation of physical education teacher of senior high school in Kaohsiung. This research, focusing on two variables: the learning motivation and professional development. And tries to find out the relationship and influence between the variables, and then identifies the factors that drive the in-service physical education teacher to choose the learning program. Through Purpose Sampling senior high school of Kaohsiung were selected as the main subjects of our research. In total 114 valid questionnaires were collected, and SPSS for Windows (12.0) was the software used for the statistical calculations. Frequency distribution, Mean Value, t-Test , and One-way ANOVA were analyzed in this statistical test. The study results are summarized in the following: 1. There are four main learning motivation which are「 interest in learning」、「occupation development」、「escape/stimulation」and「outside sector expectation」.And there are five main demand of 「teaching and assessment」、「administrative management」、「instruction and evaluation」、「sporting skills」 and 「research and creation」. 2. The difference in learning motivation depends on various background. 3. The difference in professional development depends on various background. 4. There was a positive correlation between physical education teacher’ learning motivation and professional development. 5. Teachers who are female and single and service in five years have higher learning motivation. Key word: Motivations of learning, need of professional development, physical education teacher.體育教師學習動機專業成長需求physical education teacherlearning motivationneed of professional development高雄市國民中學體育教師學習動機與專業成長需求之研究