王淑蕙Wang, Shu-hui2020-09-032020-09-032019-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108964夏思沺未考取舉人前,於故鄉刊行個人熱銷賦集《少嵒賦草》。趨利的書商嗅出龐大的閱讀市場競刻販售,數十年間快速流傳至科舉施行之異域,《銅陵縣志》更譽為近世以來罕見的現象。 晚清距今不遠,至今臺灣、香港、大陸、越南、日本均有藏本。本文蒐羅比對各式版本,首先探究包含學界未曾揭露之序跋文,逐步拼湊「夏氏出版群」三次刊行過程。其次比對目錄,歸納「書坊翻刻群」之各式行銷手法。書坊翻刻群未曾懷疑原序評之美言讚譽,然而《少嵒賦草》之熱銷與夏思沺會詴之失利,終究綰結成巨大的矛盾。光緒五年泉州「林瀛士點評版」提出異於美言的點評,成為臺灣主要流傳版本。由於臺灣賦點評,成為臺灣主要流傳版本。由於臺灣賦終未能成編,《少嵒賦草》作為臺士最常見的賦集,探究其版本流傳,有助於臺灣賦學之建構與理解。Shao Yan Fu Cao is a representative personal Fu work in Late Qing, Xia Si Tian published it when he was a student, it had been spread out from his homeland to other country, Taiwan, Hong kong, China, Vietnam and Japan and so on. This kind of rare publishing phenomenon brings a huge reading market, which enable to observe the circulation and application of bestselling version in Imperial Examination era. Late Qing isn’t far from now, main body of a book compare with every version, analyze some preface which never being published. For instance, Shi Zu’s preface are able to supplement some problems of publishing. “Shao Yan Fu Cao” is the most beloved works of Taiwan scholar, Luo Xiuhui, Chen Zuyu and Shi Shenglong’s preface are able to supply this book, which make it easier to comprehend Taiwan Fu.《少嵒賦草》版本流傳夏思沺科舉用書臺灣賦Shao Yan Fu CaoVersion circulatioXia Si Tianimperial examination preparation booksTaiwan Fu晚清《少嵒賦草》版本、流傳與在臺運用Circulation of the Late Qing Shao Yan Fu Cao and the Use of It in Taiwan