陳舜芬丁志仁洪儷瑜2014-10-272014-10-271996-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25373本研究旨在瞭解臺灣地區中小學教師培育與進修之狀況,探求二者應有的發展方向,分析問題所在,據以提出改進的建議。研究方法包括文獻分析、相關人員座談、開放式討論會與訪談專家及學校人員等。主要研究結果如下:再師資培育方面,長期以來臺灣地區正規的師資養成機構限於師範院校與政大教育系。師資培育課程由政府統一規定,師範生在學時領取公費,結業後分發任教。此種方式無法養成超過需求量的儲備師資,不利於師資的篩選與調節。尤其是眾多私立高中值得師資需求未列入規劃培養的考慮,導致正規培育的師資數量明顯不足。特殊教育師資的培育長期以來未受重視,培育量與所需相去甚遠,某些類別的特教教師更是極度欠缺。而師範院校單獨設立,雖有利塑造特定的校園文化,但因學科領域狹窄,不易提供師生多元的學術環境,培養具有寬闊視野的教師。師範生畢業後享有教職的保障,使得師範院笑得以吸引優秀高中畢業生投考,但也相對使師範院校長期缺乏外在競爭,師去改進本身缺失的動力。在教師進修方面,以往臺灣地區中小學教師的進修以參加校外公辦的研習活動為主。這些進修活動主要以大學教授擔任講座,內容未能符合中小學的實際需求,且常在學期當中舉辦,通知時間甚短,又多要求學校必須派員參加,常造成對中小學教學秩序的干擾。近十年來,逐漸有與教與相關的民間團體或企業加入提供教師進修活動的行列。這些活動一般而言規模甚小,且無公辦活動的外在誘因,但能吸引有心的教師自費參加。教師任教的學校也可自行規劃進修活動,惟尚未成為風氣。此外,同僚間的相互討論與學習、教師個人在教學上的反省或其他自我成長的活動其實都可納入進修的範圍,但其重要性或價值目前似乎還未受到肯定。針對前述師資培育與進修的種種問題,本研究提出若干改進的建議,提供相關單位參考。The purposes of this research are, firstly, to study the current practice of teacher education and in-service training in Taiwan for elementary schools and high schools, and secondly, to find out difficulties involved in order to improve the future practice. Methods adopted in the research include document analysis, interviews, and panel discussions. Major findings of this research are as follows: Long in Taiwan, formal teachers education has been carried out mainly through National Normal Colleges and Universities with the Department of Education at National Chan-Chi Universities as an exception. Teacher education programs are designed by government while students receive grants and are assigned teaching positions after graduation. By doing so, no more qualified teachers than the available positions exist. This makes virtually no competition for a teaching position. Besides, vacancies of qualified teachers for private senior high schools and vocational schools are ignored by the government quantities of qualified teachers for special education are insufficient. This especially serious for some specific areas. Since these normal colleges and universities contain teacher education only, the academic atmosphere on campus is monotonous and lack of multi-discipline interactions. This is usually criticized by other higher education institutions. Lack of motivation for improvement is a direct result of assigning a teaching position after graduation with no competition although the policy attracts good senior high school students. In-service training for teachers is mainly provided by the official-dominated workshop. Professors from the above mentioned universities give lectures for the workshop which are generally too theoretical to meet the practical needs. These workshops are usually not well scheduled. Schools are usually informed to join the workshop with short notice and thus it interferes the schools' daily operation. In recent decade, workshops of a similar purpose師資培育教師進修特殊教育師資Teacher educationTeachers' in-service trainingTeachers for special education師資培育與教師進修制度的檢討Evaluation on Teacher Education and Teachers' In-Service Training