林浩欣阮明淑Hau-Hsin LinMing-Shu Yuan2014-10-272014-10-272012-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15487知識經濟時代突顯出知識管理的必要性,也興起知識管理系統及軟體的服務需求,因而彰顯知識主張作為個人或組織於決策或行動之判斷基準的重要性。故本研究從軟體公司的知識管理系統導入顧問師(以下簡稱顧問師)之角度,探究其進行知識管理系統導入服務工作的知識主張,瞭解其決策與行動之基準及其形成過程。本研究屬探索性研究,先利用文獻分析統整文獻並蒐集顧問師之工作資訊或知識,歸納出本研究進行訪談的依據;再進行深度訪談,透過類屬分析與知識主張五大驗證要素進行資料分析。結果得知知識管理系統導入顧問師進行知識管理系統導入服務工作的知識主張,包含流程、輔導服務、人事合作與知識文件產製等四個層面共三十項的知識主張;而顧問師形成知識管理系統導入知識主張的歷程,從新手到資深顧問師的過程中包含八種主要的非線性的學習進程與七種主要的知識資源獲取。本研究結果能豐富知識管理領域的相關理論,實務上可提供知識管理相關人員的學習路徑,並作為組織實施知識管理以提升知識競爭力之決策參考。The increasing demands of Knowledge Management System and related software services, as well as importance of knowledge claim in supporting individual or organizational decision or actions become important in era of knowledge-based economy. This study investigates how the knowledge claims viaknowledge management system upon the process of decision and action from viewpoints of KM consultants of software company. As an explorative study, the reseacher conducts document analysis, collects and integrates working information/knowledge of KM consultants, forms outline for in-depth interview. The collected data was analyzed via 5 categorized elements of knowledge claim. The outcome of analysis indicates that knowledge claim of KM Consultants includes 30 elements that spread in four dimensions, such as process, consulting services, personnel coordinating, and document producing. The conclusion ofthe study enriches the theories of knowledge management. It also provides pathways of practices for professional development for knowledge management personnel and enhancing the knowledge competitiveness of the organization which is undergoing decision making for policy of knowledge management.知識主張知識管理系統導入顧問師知識管理Knowledge ClaimConsultants of Knowledge Management System ImplementKnowledge Management知識管理系統導入的知識主張研究A Study of Knowledge Claim in Implementing Knowledge Management System – An Example of Software Company’s KM Consultants