龔玉華佘永吉Yu-Hua KongYung-Ji Sher2019-08-122019-08-122016-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81616本研究目的在探討高職中重度智能障礙學生斜坡道健走運動之健康體適能,以臺北某特殊教育學校30名高職部學生為研究對象,以獨立樣本 t 檢定考驗實驗介入後兩組之健康體適能有無顯著差異;以相依樣本t檢定考驗健康體適能各項測驗之前測、後測有無差異。結果顯示接受12週斜坡道健走運動訓練課程介入者,在肌耐力及心肺適能的成績均達顯著水準,在身體質量指數、柔軟度及肌力的成績未達顯著差異,但後測皆較前測成績進步,且實驗組優於控制組。The study aimed to investigate the effect of slope walking training to the health-related physical fitness of moderately and severely intellectually disabled students in a vocational high school. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design, in which it took 30 students with intellectual disabilities in a special education school in Taipei City as research subjects and divided them into experimental and control groups consisted of 15 subjects, respectively. The experimental group took the slope walking exercise training program for 12 weeks, twice a week, for 30 minutes and the maximum heart rates reached 130 per minute; the control group took the program arranged by the school. The result indicated that the subjects in the experimental group reached a significant level in a score of muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness after receiving an intervention of a 12-week slope walking exercise training program. Body mass indexes, as well as the flexibility and muscular power scores did not attain a significantly different level; the post-test scores were all better than those in the pre-test. The experimental group performed better than the control group in the test. Therefore, the study concluded that the slope walking exercise has a positive effect on improving every aspect of physical fitness of moderately and severely intellectually disabled students in a vocational school.健康體適能斜坡道健走運動智能障礙health-related physical fitnessslopewalking trainingintellectual disabilities斜坡道健走對高職中重度智能障礙學生健康體適能之影響The Effects of Slope Walking Training on the Health-Related Physical Fitness for Vocational School Students with Intellectual Disabilities