李瑩玓2014-10-272014-10-272004-09-?http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17618本研究旨在探討國小聽寫表現有顯著困難,認字能力無明顯困難之寫字困難學童各寫字能力表現、錯誤類型犯錯情形與普通學生之差異。研究對象為三年級寫字困難 學生及普通配對學生,測驗工具包括近端抄寫熟悉字、近端抄寫罕見字、遠端抄寫熟悉字、遠端抄寫罕見字、抄短文、自發性書寫測驗。   研究結果發現如下:   (1)寫字速度方面,由快而慢依序為抄短文、抄寫熟悉字、抄寫罕見字、自發寫,唯一不同點為寫字困難組熟悉字的近端抄寫顯著較遠端快,普通組則無差 異。   (2)普通組學生各項寫字表現的相關較寫字困難組顯著。   (3)寫字困難的特徵包括:所寫字體忽大忽小、在遠端抄寫及抄短文時間架結構問題較為明顯、抄寫時易犯部件錯誤結構正確的錯字、自發寫時易犯部件正確 結構正確的錯字。The purpose of this study was to compare the handwriting performance and error types of third-graders with and without handwriting difficulties (HWD). Twenty-three non-dyslexic third-graders with HWD and twenty-three grade-match (GM) normal students served as subjects. All the participants were measured for their handwriting performance in six tasks: near-copying familiar (Chinese) characters, far-copying familiar characters, near-copying unfamiliar characters, far-copying unfamiliar characters, copying a short essay, and free writing. The main findings of this research project are as follows: (1)Ranked in decreasing order of handwriting speed for both GM and HWD subjects were: copying a short essay, copying familiar characters, copying unfamiliar characters, and free writing. The main difference between the GM and HWD groups was that while the HWD group near-copied familiar characters faster than they far-copied familiar characters, there was no significant difference in the GM group. (2)Performances in the character copying, short essay copying and free writing tasks had a significant degree of correlation in the GM group, as did performances in the character copying and short essay copying in the HWD group. (3)The following characteristics were observed in the HWD group: more irregular character size; more correctly formed characters with inconsistent component size and spacing in far-copying and short essay copying; more incorrectly formed characters with nonexistent components but correct configurational structures in all copying tasks; more incorrectly formed characters with the existence components and correct configurational structures in the free writing task.國小學生寫字困難錯誤類型Elementary school studentsError typesHandwriting difficulties寫字困難學生寫字特徵之分析Writing Characteristics of Taiwanese Students with Handwriting Difficulties