謝建成Shieh Jiann-Cherng張育銘Chang Yu-Ming2019-08-282013-8-112019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696150011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89251本研究旨在探討於網站特定HTML欄位中,關鍵字的置入與重複,對網站於搜尋引擎中能見度的影響性。本研究選擇 Zhang, J. 等國內外相關研究測試過的網頁標題<Title>,與<Meta>中的<Description>、<Keywords>、<Subject>、<Title>等HTML欄位,以實際修改電子商務網站《綺妍美顏館》於這些欄位中的內容,操控各階段關鍵字的有無與頻率,並於期間觀察網站於各大搜尋引擎中的排名變化。 觀察結果反映:於網頁標題欄位<Title>中,關鍵字的置入與提高頻率(最高測試頻率為2次),在各大搜尋引擎中均有提升目標網站排名的傾向。而於<Meta>欄位中,關鍵字的置入與提高頻率,在Google與Yahoo中有提升目標網站排名的傾向,其中關鍵字在Meta內重複8~12次的區間,網站於Google達到最佳平均排名,而於Yahoo內則於重複4次的階段達到最佳平均排名。本研究並依據觀察結果,提出電子商務網站撰寫<Title>與<Meta>欄位內容的相關建議。The study discusses the influence of webpage keywords’ existence and duplication within HTML tags on the webpage visibility in search engine results. Based on the related former researches, we choose<Title>, and <Meta> tags such as <Description>, <Keywords>, <Subject>, and <Title> as HTML tags, and control keywords’ existence and duplication within these tags on an e-commerce website IWEE. Then, keep on recording the IWEE rank position in three major search engines in Taiwan, includes Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Major findings from the study indicate that keywords’ existence and duplication within the <Title> tag, would tend to improve the visibility performance of the webpage in these three search engines. But when it comes to<Meta> tags, only in Google and Yahoo show the similar tendency. The frequency of keywords in meta tags increased to 8~12, the web page achieved the best visibility performance in Google ; in Yahoo, the frequency increased to 4 achieved best. Findings suggest that keywords’ existence and duplication in <Title> and <Meta> tags are tend to improve the visibility performance of the webpage. E-commerce website designers should make use of this feature to rise the visibility of the website.搜尋引擎最佳化網頁能見度詮釋資料Search engine optimizationWebpage visibilityMetadataHTML欄位內之關鍵字運用對電子商務網站能見度影響之研究A Study of the Influence of Keywords within HTML Tags on e-Commerce Website’s Visibility