廖柏森Posen Liao2014-10-272014-10-272011-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12398本文探討使用搭配詞輔助中譯英教學的可能性並分析錯誤的翻譯搭配,研究者藉由建置線上教學平台和語料庫供學生使用,並收集學生搭配詞語料。以26位修習翻譯課的大學生為對象,兼採量性和質性研究方法。量性方面以準實驗的單組前測後測設計(one-group pretest-posttest design)來探究學生搭配詞能力與中譯英能力的關係以及搭配詞學習是否有助提升中譯英的能力。在質性研究上則著重分析歸納學生中譯英搭配錯誤之語料,以探討其翻譯時的思考過程和犯錯的原因,進而提出因應這些中譯英搭配錯誤的解決之道。This research attempted to explore the effectiveness of implementing collocation-related activities to facilitate translation teaching and to analyze collocational errors made by college students. The researcher set up an on-line teaching platform with various kinds of corpora and resources for students to use. At the same time, the researcher could collect data and monitor students’ translation performance in the class. Twenty-six college students taking the researcher’s translation course participated in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were adopted. In terms of quantitative research, a quasi-experiment with one-group pretest-posttest design was conducted to examine (1) the relationship between college students’ collocational proficiency and their Chinese-English translation proficiency, (2) if the instruction of collocations could really improve students’ Chinese-English translation quality. On the other hand, qualitative aspect of research sought to collect, identify, classify, and explain the collocational errors found in these students’ Chinese-English translations. It is hoped that this empirical study could bridge the gap between practices and research aspects of translation instruction, and provide translation teachers with an alternative way to teach translation.中譯英搭配詞能力搭配詞錯誤Chinese-English translationcollocational proficiencycollocational errors大學生中譯英搭配詞能力與錯誤之探討A Study of College Students' Collocational Proficiency and Errors in Their Chinese-English Translations