周麗端 博士洪佩綺Hung, Pei-Chi2019-08-282006-01-252019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069106006%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86642本研究旨在探討臺北市國中生父母之資源、親職壓力與婚姻滿意間的關係。在抽樣上,本研究採分層非隨機叢集方式,抽取臺北市公立國中學生的父母親進行問卷調查。共計發出1,060份問卷,回收913份問卷。經剔除無效問卷,得有效問卷共537份。研究工具包含支持系統量表、親職壓力量表、婚姻滿意量表以及個人背景變項。而在本文所指陳的資源變項包含受教年數、就業情形、配偶就業情形和支持系統。 本研究的結果呈現如下: 一、國中生父母支持系統、親職壓力婚姻滿意現況 (一)父母支持來源,以配偶為主要支持者,子女學校教師其次。 (二)父母知覺親職壓力程度略高。 (三)父母的婚姻關係偏向滿意。 二、國中生父母婚姻滿意分析 (一)父母支持系統、親職壓力和婚姻滿意達顯著相關。 (三)父母的婚姻滿意會因性別及配偶就業情形不同而有顯著差異。 三、國中生父母親職壓力分析 (一)父母之教育年數與親職壓力有顯著相關。 (二)父母之「子女教養」構面的困境知覺與就業情形有顯著差異。 四、低壓組與高壓組之迴歸與徑路分析結果呈現差異 透過迴歸分析發現,親職壓力為調節變項,在不同親職壓力程度的組別中,有截然不同的迴歸情形。就低壓組而言,支持滿意不僅能減緩親職壓力,甚至會減緩親職壓力對婚姻滿意的負面影響。而就高壓組來說,支持滿意僅能正向影響婚姻滿意,卻對親職壓力毫無作用,且親職壓力對於婚姻滿意亦無任何影響。 低壓組的婚姻滿意的影響因素為配偶全職就業與支持滿意。低壓組的親職壓力影響因素則為支持滿意;教育年數會影響支持數的多寡。而高壓組的徑路模型在本研究並未得到支持。 本研究根據以上的結果提出建議,供家庭生活教育工作者、學校親職教育工作者及未來研究者作為參考。The purpose of this research is to explore the effects of resources, parenting stress on marital satisfaction of parents with junior high school children in Taipei city. A questionnaire survey method and proportionate stratified judgmental sampling are used in this study. An overall response rate of 51 %( n=537) is obtained. The instruments of the study include resources scale, parenting stress scale, maritial satisfaction scale and demography scale. Resources scale include ‘‘supporting systems index’’, ‘‘educational years’’, ‘‘the status of employment’’, ‘‘the status of spouse’s employment’’. Statistical procedures used for data analysis include t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product- moment correlation and path analysis. The major results can be drawn as follows: 1. General situations: (1) Parents most likely receive supports from spouses, followed by their children’s teachers. (2) Parents report that they perceive slightly high level parenting stress. (3) Parents tend to have higher marital satisfaction than theoretical mid point. 2. Analysis of marital satisfaction (1) Marital satisfaction is significantly positive related to supporting systems, and negative related to parenting stress. (2) Men with employed spouses have a higher marital satisfaction than men with unemployed spouses. 3. Analysis of parenting stress (1) Parenting stress is significantly negative related to educational years. (2)Child-rearing practice is significantly related to the status of employment. 4. A results of marital satisfaction path analysis The results reveal that the magnitude of parenting stress as a function of the moderating variables. In particular, spouse with full time job and satisfied with spouse’s support have direct effects on marital satisfaction of lower stress group. Spouse with satisfied with support system have direct effect on parenting stress of lower stress group. In higher stress group, the path model is not verified. Suggestions are made according to the results shown above for family life education, school-based parenting education and further studies.資源支持系統支持滿意親職壓力婚姻滿意resourcessupport systemsupport satisfactionparenting stressmarital satisfaction臺北市國中生父母之資源、親職壓力與婚姻滿意關係之研究Effects of Resources, Parenting stress on Marital Satisfaction of Parents with Junior High School Children in Taipei City