邱滿艷陳音音Chen, Yin-Yin2019-08-282018-08-012019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060017004E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89319本研究旨在探討智能障礙大學生的就業準備狀況, 經以半結構訪談題綱蒐集三位智能障礙大學生及重要他人的經驗,並以質性研究電腦軟體NVivo第10版進行資料分析,研究發現如下: 一、智能障礙大學生的大學生活樣貌:(一)在交友方面,與朋友的互動 和高中大不同,三位學生和同學之間均能維持友好的關係,但並沒有深交的好朋友;(二)在學業方面,課業成績不佳,考試或是分組作業的評量方式,需要同學的協助,學分數的取得是依靠老師對評量標準的調整;(三)在工讀經驗方面,打工經驗不盡相同,在一般的職場裡,容易受挫,在包容性的環境下,有慢慢進步的空間。 二、智能障礙大學生對於未來就業想法:(一)三位大學生畢業後均有想要從事的工作,分別是包裝作業員、程式設計師和攝影工作;(二) 工作選擇的原因受過去經驗、課堂老師或相關媒體介紹的影響。 三、智能障礙大學生對就業所做的準備:(一)對工作本身瞭解不足,無法描述工作的具體內容;(二)對工作的準備過於簡單,認為有修過相關課程就足夠。 針對上述研究結果,提供教育單位、勞政單位、智能障礙學生及其家長相關建議。This study discussed career preparation of college students with intellectual disabilities. After interviewing three visually impaired participants by semi-structured questionnaire,the data analyzed by NVivo (10th edition), and findings as follow: First of all, the experiences of college living included three perspectives: (a) In making friends: interaction with friends was all right, but there were not deep friendship. (b) In the academic areas: their performance were poor, but they could get a learner scores adjusted by faculty . (c) At work experience: They have got different work experiences and progress in an inclusive environment. Secondly, the idea of career included:(a) The jobs expected were packaging operator, programmer and photo graphics. (b) The jobs above were from past work experiences, tutors or related media presentation. Thirdly, the preparation of career include: ( a)Lack of understanding of the jobs, the students with intellectual disabilities could not describe the specific content of the job. (b) From parents and tutors’ point of view, students’ preparations for the career were not enough. In view of the above findings, suggestions were provided to the education unit, the fatigue politics unit, students with intellectual disabilities and their parents.智能障礙大學生智能障礙就業準備College Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesCareer PreparationIntellectual Disabilities探討智能障礙大學生就業準備之研究The Study of Career Preparation of College Students with Intellectual Disabilities