朱友意Yu-Yi Chu陳奕潤Chen I Jun2020-12-102013-8-22020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698600230%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115502繪畫作為一種「寓言」,以「Something About Love」系列為主要探討,主要內容涉及大眾式「集體記憶」的故事性為創作基底,回歸幼時接觸「童話故事」及「動漫」的心境,操作出並非僅僅博取視覺的愉悅,而是透過一套「象徵」系統並以「隱喻」方式承載着非語言性的言說。並點出「雙重思想」反映現代人因資訊爆炸而產生的矛盾思緒,在這樣如裹着糖衣的毒藥般美好表徵下卻也暗指了許多社會真實面。 本論文共分四個章節加以論述。第一章說明創作者生長背景及研究動機,透過自身多元的文化衝擊堆疊,所呈現的是一種混合式的作品取材脈絡;第二章闡述利用東方精神影響、零件化的童話寓言語彙、雙重思想的演繹手法組織,作品的表現方式將早已被風格化、標簽化的藝術語彙進行拆解,並用以作為繪畫中操作的多樣性圖像零件;第三章集結被市場認定的當代藝術家歸納分析其成功相同之處、思維方式及現象觀察,從中萃取創作研究題材的搜尋範圍,包括宗教信仰、國族認同、生命、情慾愛情、死亡等議題形構複雜哲思意念;第四章創作實踐從理念、內容、形式、創作媒材與技法直到系列作品自述一一呈現創作經歷,可視為一種延續寓言式繪畫的當代實踐,最後則為創作研究總結論。Painting as a "fable", with "Something About Love" series created for the main study, mainly covering mass market "collective memory" of the story for the base of creation. Returning to childhood "fairy tales" and "animation and comics" state of mind, the operation is not just to win a visual pleasure, but through a "symbolic" system and a "metaphor" approach carries nonverbal speech. To point out the "double thinking" reflects modern information explosion due to conflicting thoughts arising in such as sugarcoated poison like it also implies a better characterization under many social realities surface. The paper is divided into four chapters to be discussed and extension. The first chapter is a description of the creator’s growth background and research motivation, through their diverse culture shock stacked a hybrid context of drawn works; The second chapter describes the use of oriental spiritual influence, part of fairy tales fable vocabulary, doublethink deductive, approaches organizational performance of the work has already been stylized manner, labeling for dismantling the artistic vocabulary, and its as diversity image parts of a painting operation; The third chapter assembled inductive analysis and common part of success, ways of thinking and phenomena observed contemporary artists whom is recognized by the market, from which extracts the search scope for Creation Research themes from religion, national identity, life, passion, erotic love, death and other issues formations complex ideas philosophizing; The fourth chapter presented each creating practical experience from the actual creative practice philosophy, content, form, creative media and painting techniques, until the series, can be regarded as a continuation of traditional allegorical painting, the final overall conclusion was the artist’s own creation research.集體記憶前衛精神雙重思想寓言當代藝術CollectiveMemoryAvant-garde spiritDoublethinkFableContemporary ArtSomething About Love:二維式零件圖像寓言Something About Love:Image fables are composed of the two dimension parts