黃淑真Shu-Chen Huang2016-05-062016-05-062016-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78292本行動研究報導一位大學英文教師在寫作教學的改進過程。最初的教學包含四次指定題目的寫作與修改練習,教師已疲於批改,但仍欠缺藉由寫作以訓練批判思考與獨立發聲的重要元素。為求改進,教師安排自選題作文,加入多階段多來源的形成性評量與回饋設計,示範進而導引學生在構思過程中相互評量與批判,並安排期末的成果發表儀式。過程中,任課教師不再是唯一的評量者與意見回饋來源,而是將文章的發展從訂定主題、大綱、細部論點、草稿、修改到校對分成六個階段,並在每個階段安排兩種不同人員提供回饋,如助教及同儕。這些回饋意見包含了批評與挑戰,協助寫作學習者在文章發展過程中改進。最終產出的小論文成品以批判思考力評量表檢驗,結果顯示,學生多能選擇切身議題、表達個人意見,且對批判思考的結構有所掌握,唯在批判思考的內容論證上仍有改進空間。This action research reports how a college English teacher improved her essay writing instruction. The original course design consisted of instruction and four rounds of drafting and revising under assigned topics. While the teacher had been busy enough giving individual feedback, an important element of cultivating critical thinking and giving learners a voice was absent from the course. To address the problem, the teacher required learners to write an additional essay on a topic they each chose, designed an assessment scheme with multi-stage and multi-source feedback, and celebrated the final products at the end of the semester. During the process, the teacher was no longer the only feedback provider. Instead, essay development was arranged into six stages including idea generation, general outline, detailed outline, drafting, editing and proofreading. For each stage, feedback came from two different sources, such as the teaching assistant and peers. The feedback consisted of questions and challenges and helped the author learners improve from one stage to the next. The resultant essays were examined against a critical thinking rubric. Analysis indicated that these essays demonstrated unique personal opinions and that the writers had control over the structure of critical thinking. But in terms of the soundness of reasoning, there was more room for improvement.形成性評量評量回饋批判思考英語教學英文寫作formative assessmentassessment feedbackcritical thinkingteaching English as a foreign languageEnglish writing一個以形成性評量與回饋意見在英文寫作課實踐批判思考教學的行動研究AN ACTION RESEARCH ON FOSTERING CRITICAL THINKING IN EFL WRITING THROUGH FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK