國立臺灣師範大學國文學系沈維華2015-11-172015-11-172013-06-01http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75604《莊子》「忘」之意涵有二:一為世俗之「遺忘」,一為深刻反映莊子思想之「體道之忘」。體道之「忘」,是以「忘形」保全其德、以「忘知」去分別心、以「忘言」打破語言限制,使道體渾然彰顯。莊子藉「技進於道」彰顯道趣,體會「大美」的境界;而「大美」境界之達成,是以「忘」作為核心工夫的。「忘」對技(藝)術的意義,在於「忘」使技(藝)術創作達到「物我相忘」的審美境界。“Forgetting”in Chuang Tzu refers to two implications: to forget the secular world and to forget the essential way of Tao. The latter makes one forget the material existence so as to maintain virtue, forget awareness to be undifferentiated, and forget words to get beyond the limit of languages. In this way, the essential way of Tao becomes coherent as a whole. Chuang Tzu is convinced to see truth from art by which one is able to appreciate “the great beauty”. To attain to the state of the great beauty, one has to “forget”. Forgetting, in terms of arts, implies that the creation of arts will ultimately attain to the aesthetic state of “forgetting the discrimination between self and others”.忘莊子技進於道得意忘言心齋坐忘ForgettingChuang TzuTo see truth from artsForgetting words when catching the meaningThe purificationSelf-forgetting莊子之「忘」探析Analysis of the Implications for "Forgetting" in Chuang Tzu