陳政友黃啟澤Chi-taze Huang2019-08-282009-8-212019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095053120%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87616本論文的研究目的在探討台北市基層員警的健康生活型態之現況及其相關因素,以作為未來發展此一職場健康促進活動之基礎。本研究以自編結構式問卷為工具,採分層集束隨機抽樣的方式,由臺北市政府警察局所屬20個單位之基層員警,抽取640人為樣本,最後得有效問卷619份進行統計分析。 本研究的重要結果如下: 一 、 研究對象飲食習慣在「每天至少吃2種以上水果」、「攝取高纖維質的食物,如全麥麵包、番薯、糙米飯等」及「有吃宵夜的習慣」表現最差;而飲食習慣的主要預測變項為「性別」及「身體質量指數BMI」,且研究對象是女性、身體質量指數BMI越低者,其飲食習慣越佳。 二、研究對象運動與休閒在「參加運動相關課程」、「每週至少運動三次,每次持續20-30分鐘,且有出汗」及「擬訂並遵循自己的運動計畫」表現最差;而運動與休閒行為的主要預測變項為「服務單位」,且研究對象的服務單位勤務越輕者,其運動與休閒行為越佳。 三、研究對象日常生活安全在「為因應停電或地震,會在家裝置緊急照明設備」、「會在浴廁、廚房等濕滑處放置止滑墊」及「到公共場所或搭乘公共交通工具時,會注意逃生路線及相關設備」表現最差;而日常生活安全與個人背景資料都無關係,所以也無法有效預測研究對象之日常生活安全。 四、研究對象心理壓力調適在「很在乎別人的稱讚或肯定」、「認為獲得升遷才是肯定自己的方法」及「能與親友討論內心困惑的問題」表現最差;而心理壓力調適的主要預測變項為「性別」,且研究對象是女性者,其心理壓力調適越佳。 五、研究對象健康自我照護在「會參加關於個人保健的課程和活動」、「會與健康專業人員討論關於自身健康的問題」及「會避免不正常的生活型態(如熬夜),以免身體受到傷害」表現最差;而健康自我照護的主要預測變項為「性別」、「工作年資」「服務單位」,且研究對象是女性、工作年資越高、服務單位勤務越輕者,其健康自我照護越佳。 六、研究對象約有五成的人有吸菸習慣。吸菸行為的主要預測變項為「性別」及「服務單位」,且研究對象是男性、服務單位勤務越繁重者,越傾向有吸菸行為。 七、研究對象約有四成的人有飲酒習慣。飲酒行為的主要預測變項為「性別」及「年齡」,且研究對象是男性、年齡越大,越傾向有飲酒行為。 八、研究對象約有二成的人有嚼食檳榔習慣。嚼食檳榔行為的主要預測變項為「職務」,且研究對象的職務是非主管者,越傾向有嚼檳榔行為。 本研究依結論提出對未來警政單位之建議與改進方針,以提高研究對象之健康生活型態。The aim of this study is to investigate the current health lifestyles followed by the basic-leveled police officers and then to explore the factors influencing their lifestyles as to help develop health-promotion activities in the police workplaces. A self-prepared structured questionnaire has been used to collect a random sample of 619 participants from twenty units of Taipei City Police Department. Important results of the study are as follows: 1) “Eating at least two kinds of fruit daily’’, “consuming high-fiber foods” and “having a habit of eating night snacks” in the eating habit section are the fields where the subjects have shown the poorest performances. The resulting factors are most likely “genders” and “BMI” of the participants; female subjects with lower BMI tend to have better eating habits. 2) “Participating in exercising courses”, “Doing sweat-invoking exercises at least three times a week, twenty to thirty minutes per time” and “framing and following one’s own exercise plans” in the exercise and recreation section are where the subjects have performed mostly inadequately. The factor influencing the results is most likely “working department”; subjects with lighter duties have better exercising and recreational behaviors. 3) “Installing emergency lighting units in case of earthquakes or out-of-electricity”, “putting non-slip vinyl flooring in bathrooms and kitchens” and “being aware of the evacuation routes and related equipments in public places and on public transportations” in the daily safety section are where the subjects have achieved mostly poorly. However, the daily safety section of the questionnaire shows no relevance with the socio-demographic characteristics, so the subjects’ daily-life safety can not be predicted. 4) “Caring about praises and affirmations from others”, “admitting that promotion is the only way of self-approval” and “willing to discuss personal problems with relatives and friends” are where the subjects have demonstrated the most feeble presentations in the stress adjusting section. The source factor is most likely “genders” of the subjects; females have healthier stress adjustments. 5) “Willing to participate in individual health care courses and activities”, “willing to discuss personal health problems with professionals” and “avoiding unhealthy life styles” are where the subjects have revealed the least favorable results in the self-care sector. “Genders”, “working years” and “working departments” seem to be the influencing factors; females with longer working years and lighter duties have superior self-cares habits. 6) Around half of the participants have a smoking habit. “Genders” and “working departments” are the key influencing factors; males with heavy duties are more likely to smoke. 7) Approximately a quarter of the participants have a drinking habit. The major predictors of this behavior could be “genders” and “ages”; the older male interviewees have the inclination to drink alcohols. 8) Around twenty percent (20%) of the participants have the habit of chewing Betel nuts. The main parameter of this habit is “positions”; participants with non-management duties have the tendency to chew Betel nuts. In summary, the results of this research highlight several issues, for which suggestions are made to improve health lifestyles of the basic-leveled police officers in Taipei City.基層員警健康生活型態the basic-leveled police officershealth lifestyle臺北市基層員警健康生活型態及其相關因素研究