吳舜文Shunwen, Wu林佩瑜Peiyu, Lin2019-09-062007-8-212019-09-062007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692610099%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108566  本研究旨在瞭解國中音樂才能班學生的一般性創造力表現,並探析性別、區域、主修樂器、音樂學習成就、音樂學習歷程、音樂參賽經驗等不同變項與學生創造力展現的關係;本研究採用調查研究法,針對全國的國中音樂才能班學生進行抽樣調查,共有十四所學校參與施測,有效樣本為416人。研究工具以「威廉斯創造力測驗」的「威廉斯創造性思考活動」與「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」為主;調查所得的資料依據威廉斯創造力測驗指導手冊進行人工計分,並運用統計軟體Statistica 6.0進行分析,最後依據描述統計的平均數、標準差及百分比的方式,與T考驗及變異數分析進行後續的資料處理,以呈現國中音樂才能班學生的一般性創造力表現之情況。   根據統計分析的結果,本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、國民中學音樂才能班學生的一般性創造力表現情況 (一)國中音樂班學生於「威廉斯創造性思考活動」中的創造思考能力表現優 於國中常模學生,但「精密力」的表現低於常模學生;而相較於國中普 通班學生,音樂班學生僅在「流暢力」、「變通力」的表現高於普通 生,「開放性」、「獨創力」「精密力」與「標題」等項目,顯著低於 普通班學生。 (二)國中音樂班學生於「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」中的創造性表現優於國中 常模學生與普通班學生,且皆達至顯著差異。 二、影響國民中學音樂才能班學生的一般性創造力表現之相關因素 (一)「性別」、「區域」與「音樂參賽經驗」等變項對於國中音樂才能班學 生的創造力表現,皆能達至顯著差異。 (二)「主修樂器」、「音樂學習成就」與「音樂學習歷程」等變項對於國中 音樂才能班學生創造力表現,皆未達至顯著的差異。The main purpose of this study was to investigate the musically talented students’ performance on the creativity of domain-general, and to explore the relationships including gender, area, music major, musical achievement, musical learning background and musical competition experience. The research method of survey study was utilized to reach the research goals. All the students in Junior High School Musically Talented Programs in Taiwan were sampled in this investigation. The 416 available samples, with a total of 14 schools, were included as research subjects. The research instruments were deal with CAP guidance and Statistica 6.0. The research results were based upon arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage, t-test and ANOVA. Conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. the creativity of the students in Junior High School Musically Talented Programs (1)Musically talented students perform better than norm students in “Test of Divergent Thinking”, besides “elaboration”. They also perform better than general students in “fluency” and “flexibility”. (2)Musically talented students perform better than norm students and general students in “Test of Divergent Feeling”. 2. the relative factors on the creativity of the students in Junior High School Musically Talented Programs (1)Gender, area and musical competition experience affect the musically talented students significantly. (2)Music major, musical achievement and musical learning background had no significant effects on the musically talented students.音樂才能班創造力一般性創造力musically talented programcreativitycreativity of domain-general國民中學音樂才能班學生創造力表現及其影響因素之研究A Study on the Creativity and its Relative Factors of the students in Junior High School Musically Talented Programs