趙惠玲翁千雅Chien-Ya Weng2020-12-102007-08-082020-12-102007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593603012%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115129在全球化風潮席捲下,「文化」已非直線式溫和傳遞,台灣因特殊歷史與地理環境,文化認同感更顯複雜,本研究探討以「文化認同」概念融入視覺藝術教學,採行動研究實踐於國中教學場域,課程以重要概念「文化認同的建構過程及審美標準之關係」發展「MADE in TAIWAN文化認同記憶箱」藝術創作教學課程。課程議題以台客文化為發展主軸,選擇族群、性別、次文化認同之當代藝術為鑑賞內容,並以複合式媒材創作表達個人文化認同。 本研究對象為台北市某國中八年級之學生,課程經過九週共18堂課,由「文化認同概念」前後測問卷、「學習單」分析、「文化認同記憶箱創作」評量、「學習意見調查表」等作為課程評量依據,以推論出本課程之可行性。 歸納出結論入下: 一、「文化認同」概念融入國中視覺藝術教學之議題選擇,應以學生為中心。 二、依據「文化認同」概念,能發展具體可行之「MADE in TAIWAN文化認同記憶箱」課程。 三、「MADE in TAIWAN文化認同記憶箱」課程之實施,確實具有教學成效。 四、學生對「MADE in TAIWAN文化認同記憶箱」課程之實施,具有正向回饋反應。 最後,根據研究結論,提出對以「文化認同」為議題融入國中視覺藝術教學之建議、藝術創作教學課程實施之建議與未來研究方向建議。Under the wave of globalization,”Culture” is no more passing down in a straight and gentle way.For the special history and geography environment in Taiwan, culture identity has been shown more complicated. The research is about “Integrating culture identity” into visual art teaching which use action research in teaching junior high school.This creative art lesson has the Big idea “The connecting between the process of building cluture identity and the aesthetic standards” which delevop “the memory box of MADE IN TAIWAN culture identity”.The topic issue in the course is talking about “Tike culture”,which chooses contemporary art,such as Ethnic、Gender、Subculture Identity as the content of appreciation ,trying to express personal culture identification by mixed media creations. The object of the reserch is about a Junior high school student in Taipei who took 18 classes in 9 weeks.Through the survey of “culture identity concept”、analize worksheets、”cluture identification memory box” assessment and “investigation list of learninng suggestion”etc.These can be the basis of judging the couse,and infer the feasibility as well. To sum up as bellow : 1.When Choosing the issue of intergrating Culture identity concept into teaching visual art education for junior high school should be based on students。 2.To develope concrete course of “Made in Taiwan culture identity box” should on the basis of “culture identity” concept . 3.It was teuly effective to put “Made in Taiwan culture identity box” course in practice when teaching. 4.Students had positive feedback toward“Made in Taiwan culture identity box” course. At last,to give the suggestion according to the conclusion that carry out the course and the direction of future reserch that integrate the issue of “Culture Identity” in teaching visual art in Junior high schooland art making curriculum.文化認同台客文化當代藝術創作課程視覺藝術教育行動研究文化認同概念融入國中視覺藝術教學之行動研究An Action Research for Integrated Culture Identity into Teaching Visual Art Teaching in Junior High School