柯正峯Cheng-Feng Ko鍾美儀May-Yi Chung2019-08-292008-1-242019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094023103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92254終身學習已成為成人教育中重要的核心概念,在如此的時代趨勢裡,博物館已成為實踐成人學習的重要場所之一。本研究主要目的在探討成人觀眾進入國立台灣科學教育館內參觀之現況與參觀經驗。研究者以自編的「成人觀眾博物館參觀經驗之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,並以年滿20歲之成人觀眾為研究對象,採立意抽樣方式,共發出650份問卷,回收有效問卷610份。資料分析採用描述性統計、t考驗、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe 事後比較分析法等統計方法。 本研究主要結果顯示: 一、成人觀眾曾進入科教館參觀的比例約為76.4 % ,且以女性、中老年、大學以上、從事教職、且對「自然與生活科技領域」有興趣為主要特質。 二、成人觀眾在參觀原因方面所佔比例最高為「與家人一起前往」,在參觀動機方面所佔比例最高為「休閒娛樂」,在展示活動訊息得知管道所佔比例最高為「網路」,參觀頻率以「一年1-2 次」為最多,停留時間以「3-4 小時」為最多,參觀方式以「先看解說,再看(操作)展品」為最多。 三、科教館可視為成人觀眾與家人聯繫感情、社交溝通和休閒娛樂的重要活動育樂場所。 四、科教館具高度吸引力,是讓成人觀眾想一再光顧的休閒育樂場 所,回流參觀率高。 五、成人觀眾對科教館的整體參觀經驗有高度的評價。 六、成人觀眾對科教館的整體參觀經驗頗佳,但因背景因素的不同,而在對環境設施、展示內容、導覽解說、與展示互動時的感受上具有顯著差異性。 最後,研究者結合文獻資料,受訪者的看法與意見,研究結果與討論,研究者的研究結論等內容論述,針對科教館及後續研究者分別提出相關參考建議。ABSTRACT Lifelong learning has become a key concept in adult education. In the current trend , the museum has become one of the most important places to fulfill adult learning. The purpose of this research is to explore adult visitors experience in National Taiwan Science Education Center (NTSEC). The researcher ' s tool is the self - designed " questionnaire of adult visitors experience in NTSEC " . The targets of the research were the adult visitors over than twenty years old . Based up on the method of "stratified random sampling" , the researcher sent out 650 questionnaires and retrieved 610 valid questionnaires . The information analysis relies up on statistic methods such as Descriptive Statistics , t -test , chi-square test , ANOVA and Scheffe ' s Post-hoc Comparison . The main result of this research points out that : 1. About 76.4 % of the adult visitors once entered NTSEC. More females, middle-old age, having a collage degree or above, having interests in nature or science, and working as teachers are characteristic of the adult visitors in NTSEC. 2. The main of the part in visit reason is " goes together with the family member " , in visit motive is " leisure entertainment", in the way to know demonstration active news is "network " , in visit frequency is " l -2 times a year" , in resident time is "3-4 hours " , and in visit way is " read the illustration first , and then look ( operation ) the demonstration " . 3. For adult visitors, NTSEC can be regarded as a main place which offers the functions of social intercourse communication and recreational amusement to build up a good relationship with their family. 4. NTSEC has the high attraction which lets the adult visitors want to visit it again and again. 5. The adult visitors express an affirmative experience towards NTSEC and also have a good comment on it. 6. The adult visitors have different experience about the facilities, display contents, the guides and interactive display due to their various backgrounds. Finally, the researcher combines the cultural heritage data, the interviewee’s opinions, the research results, and the researcher’s conclusions to offer some recommendations to NTSEC as well as the future researchers.博物館成人觀眾參觀經驗MuseumAdult VisitorsVisit Experience博物館成人觀眾參觀經驗之研究 ─以國立臺灣科學教育館為例Research of Adult Visitors Experience in museum-