陳舜芬2014-10-272014-10-271992-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16842本研究之目的在探討臺灣地區大學院校教師帶職帶薪研究進修之實際狀況。經由郵寄問卷方式抽樣調查大學院校1,722位專任教師之經驗與看法,獲致以下三項主要結論: 一、臺灣地區公立大學院校教師獲得我國政府補助帶薪研修之機會遠高於私立院校教師。 二、臺灣地區大學院校教師認為帶薪研修之措施在增進個人專業知能與提昇大學研究水準方面成效較大,在改進教學方面之成效較小。部分院校或科系之教學甚至受到此一措施之負面影響。 三、決定教師獲得帶薪研修機會與否的過程尚不夠公正客觀,人際關係良好者被認為容易獲得帶薪研修之機會。The purpose of this study is to explore the practice of salaried leaves of college faculty members in Taiwan. The experiences and viewpoints of 1,722 full-time faculty members were collected through mailed questionnaires. Major conclusions of the study are as follows: First, the opportunity of obtaining salaried leaves by the faculty members at public institutions is much higher than that of the faculty members at private ones. Second, it is believed that the practice of salaried leaves contributes to knowledge growth of individual faculty members and also raises their research quality. However, it has limited effect on the improvement of teaching. In some cases, negative influences upon department teaching were reported. Third, it seems that certain nonacademic factors are involved in granging salaried leaves, which means the decision process may not be fair enough.大學院校研修帶薪教師臺灣台灣地區大學院校教師帶薪研修狀況之探討Salaried Leaves of College Faculty Members in Taiwan