國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所吳正己龐能一2014-10-302014-10-301995-06-010583-0249http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34553類比是幫助學生學習複雜或抽象概念的有效工具,然而類比的誤用往往是迷思概念產生的根源。本研究首先探討類比與學習的關係、類比的教學策略、及科學教科書使用類比的情形,按著依據探討結果分析國內高中職計算機概論教科書有關類比的應用。研究結果發現,分析的十五套教科書中總共有126個類比,平均每套書8.4個類比,顯示類比在教科書中的使用仍不普遍。而教科書作者雖能掌握類比應用的部份要旨,然而大部份的類比仍未能指出其限制,以避免學生迷思概念的產生,且類比的描述均過於簡單。此外,類比的應用以電腦結構相關的概念最多,其他概念主題偏少。未來研究宜進一步由教科書作者、教師及學生的角度瞭解類比在電腦教學中應用的情形。Analogies are considered as an effective method for providing a bridge between unfamiliar concepts and knowledge that students already have. However, analogies shouldbe used cautiously because at some point every analogy breaks down. It can lead tomisunderstanding as well as understanding. This study investigats the effects of usinganalogies on learning, the strategies of analogical teaching, and analogies used in science textbooks. Criteria for analyzing analogies used in science textbooks are concluded.Using these criteria, we then analyze 15 senior high school introductory computer textbooks. The content analysis indicates that 126 analogies exist in 15 textbooks, an average of 8.4 analogies per book. Analogies are used most frequently in computer organization related topics. The major deficiencies found in the analogies are: (1) The authorsgenerally did not point out the limitations of analogies for students; and (2) about ahalf of the analogies are described with just one or two sentences. Future work shouldinvestigate the use of analogies in teaching computer science from the perspectives ofauthors, teachers, and students.類比內容分析計算機概論AnalogyContent AnalysisComputer textbooks類比在高中職計算機概論教科書的應用分析The Use of Analogies in Senior High School Introductory Computer Textbooks