吳祖銘胡子友2019-09-042013-7-42019-09-042010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096723109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99629  科技的發達使得利用攝影獲得精確的影像已非難事,但當一切的影像都由相機決定之後,相對的,攝影藝術也必需面對影像過度充斥而造成的挑戰。因此,當代的攝影藝術家開始利用科技對影像進行挪用、拚貼與再造,企圖利用科技的便利性將以往不相融的符碼做結合,用以傳達個人意識。本研究則是希望將紅外線與全景攝影,在科技上與形式上所代表的意涵,轉化為符碼融入創作中,藉以傳達在人眼可視的範圍外,仍然有一股雖然看不見,但不容忽視的力量存在。另外,也希望驗證科技攝影雖然是助於科技發展求真的重要媒介,但其本身亦可以是傳達創作者理念的一種符碼。因此本研究先對紅外線攝影與全景攝影的方式加以研究,找出兩相結合的辦法之後,拍攝出實驗性質的作品,發現成果良好可行,最後以結合台灣具政治意涵的建築或圖騰來創作實踐。在長時間的觀察與創作的過程中,除了提出十七幅創作與其分析之外,並歸納獲致以下幾點結論與建議:  一、紅外線影像隱含著不可忽視的力量。  二、全景影像創造出外方內圓、和諧融合的形式。  三、紅外線與全景攝影成功的結合成一種符碼傳達創作理念。  四、魚眼鏡頭配上專門的紅外線數位相機是拍攝紅外線全景最佳的器材組合。  五、無風、薄雲以及接近中午的陽光是拍攝紅外線全景最佳的天候。  The advancement of technologies has facilitated precision image photography, yet when all images are determined by cameras, new challenges brought by the over-flooding of images are presented to photographic arts. Contemporary photographic artists therefore start to manipulate, collage or reproduce images by leveraging technologies. By incorporating symbols that were considered incompatible or clashing with technologies, modern photographers deliver their messages. This research attempts to turn the technological and formal implications of infrared photography and panoramic photography into symbols and blend them in artistic creations. The message delivered is: beyond our visibility, there is an invisible yet invincible power. Also, the researcher expects to prove that technology-based photography is a testimony to technology development, while technology photography per se is a code to carry the edits of photographers. Based on studies of infrared and panoramic photography, this research puts forward ways to combine the two approaches, and performs experiments. The results are decent and the combining technique applicable, and at the last stage of the research political icons and buildings are the subjects of artistic creation. After a long time of observation and creation, the research has come to the following conclusions and suggestions: 1. infrared images carry powers that cannot be neglected; 2. panoramic photography created harmonious artistic forms with rectangular edges and circular centers; 3. the successful combination of infrared and panoramic photography marks as a code form to present creation philosophy; 4. fish-eye lenses and specific infrared digital cameras are perfect for infrared panorama; 5. the best time for infrared panorama would be a midday with little cloud and no wind.科技攝影紅外線攝影全景攝影符碼影像意涵technology Photographyinfrared photographypanoramic photographycodeImage implications科技攝影創作影像意涵之研究-以紅外線結合全景攝影為例Technology Photography Create the Implication of Image by Infrared Photography combine with Panoramic Photography as a Case