潘麗珠Pan, Li-Jhu陳俊霖Chen, Chun-Lin2024-12-179999-12-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9f341f65e402d29ea07cf50363fb6385/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122693《白雨齋詞話》、《蕙風詞話》、《人間詞話》並稱為「晚清三大詞話」,是中國古典詞學的集大成之作。三大詞話都以「詞境」作為詞論核心,然而三者在「詞境」的文化精神本質、審美特質、創作表現方式以及批評實踐等方面皆有所不同。根據本文之研究結果,可將晚清三大詞話的內在邏輯結構歸納為:「詞境之文化精神本質——詞境之審美風格標準——詞境之藝術表現形式——詞境之理論批評實踐」。上述四個方面互為相關,相互涵攝,構成一個完整的「詞境」論體系。也能據此開展出三大詞話「本質論」、「創作論」、「接受論」、「批評論」的論述架構。就「本質論」而言,《白雨齋詞話》、《蕙風詞話》、《人間詞話》分別以「沉鬱」、「性靈」、「真」作為詞境之精神本質,以「沉鬱」、「重拙大」、「要眇宜修」作為詞境之審美特質;就「創作論」而言,《白雨齋詞話》、《蕙風詞話》、《人間詞話》分別以「比興寄託」、「即性靈即寄託」、「不隔」作為詞境之創作手法;就「接受論」而言,《白雨齋詞話》、《蕙風詞話》、《人間詞話》分別提出「必有所興」、「不求甚解」、「自行詮釋」的讀詞方法。就「批評論」而言,因三大詞話的「詞境論」在文化精神本質、審美特質和創作手法上的差異,他們評價詞史和詞人詞作時,便有著各自不同的詞史觀和詞學評價。陳廷焯以上溯詩學的方式,體現出對溫柔敦厚之詩教精神的皈依。況周頤以個體獨有之「性靈」來調和傳統寄託詞論,體現出異於傳統儒家文化的色彩。王國維以現代生命哲學和美學思想融入詞學,體現出洞觀宇宙人生悲劇性真相的現代價值選擇。三大詞話反映出三種不同的詞論取向,更可從中觀察出把詞學上溯傳統詩學,到把詞學重新歸本詞學,再到把詞學從古代傳統詞學範疇拉向現代美學與哲學的一種嬗變邏輯。BaiYuZhai Cihua, HuiFeng Cihua and Human Cihua are known as the three major Cihua in the late Qing dynasty. They are at the end of the history of Chinese ancient Ci, and they are the masterpiece of Chinese classical Ci. The three major Cihua all take"Ci context" as the core of ci theory. However, they have different understandings and expressions on the cultural spirit noumenon, aesthetic characteristics, artistic expression and critical practice of the "Ci context". BaiYuZhai Cihua takes "gentleness" as the root of the Ci context, "melancholy" as the aesthetic characteristic of the ci context, and "comparison and belief" as the artistic expression of the Ci context. HuiFeng Cihua sticks to Spirit as the foundation of the Word boundary, and"heavy,simple and grand" for the word boundary's aesthetic characteristics, and" All things are nature "for the word boundary of artistic expression. "Human Cihua" takes "truth" as the root of the Ci context, "solemn and stirring" as the aesthetic characteristic of the ci context, and "no separation" as the artistic expression of the Ci context. Due to the differences in the cultural spirit noumenon, aesthetic characteristics and artistic expression of the "Ci context" of the three Cihua, theyhave their own different Ci historical view and Ci evaluation when they consider the same Ci history and the same Ci works with"Ci context" as the aesthetic standard. Chen Tingzhuo reflected his spiritual conversion to traditional Confucian culture by returning to the mainstream poetics. Theory of Guan Zhouyi reflects the heterogeneity of traditional mainstream culture of a certain color. Wang Guowei integrated modern life philosophy and tragic poetics into Ci, reflecting the modern value orientation of the tragic truth of life in the universe. The three major ci studies reflect three different orientations of ci theory. We can also observe a kind of transmutation logic from them that ci studies have been traced back to traditional poetics, that ci studies have been returned to the origin of ci studies, and that ci studies have been pulled from the category of ancient traditional ci studies to modern aesthetics and philosophy.晚清三大詞話《白雨齋詞話》《蕙風詞話》《人間詞話》詞境The three major Cihua in the late Qing dynastyBaiYuZhai CihuaHuiFeng CihuaHuman CihuaTheory of Ci context晚清三大詞話比較研究——以詞境論為建構中心A comparative study of three major Ci Hua in the late Qing Dynasty—Based on the theory of Ci Jing學術論文