黃乃熒Whang, Nai-Ying洪子閑HUNG, TZU-HSIEN2023-12-082023-01-182023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/27c26512ae6fa997cfce6246212b5ac2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119413本研究旨在了解桃園市幼兒園行銷與品牌形象的現況,分析桃園市不同背景變項之教保服務人員對幼兒園行銷型態、行銷策略與品牌形象的認知差異情形,探討桃園市幼兒園行銷型態、行銷策略與品牌形象之相關與預測情形。本研究使用問卷調查法,研究工具為自編的「桃園市幼兒園行銷與品牌形象之相關研究問卷」為,以桃園市教保服務人員為研究對象進行抽樣調查,共發放500份問卷,有效問卷390份,有效問卷率為83.87%。透過描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料整理與分析,獲得結論如下:一、桃園市教保服務人員對於幼兒園行銷與品牌形象的知覺現況為中高程度。二、桃園市教保服務人員對整體幼兒園行銷型態的知覺情形,每月薪資為 30,001-40,000 元高於每月薪資為 60,001 元(含)以上,園所類型為非營利、準公共化與私立者皆高於公立幼兒園。三、桃園市教保服務人員對整體幼兒園行銷策略的知覺情形,園所類型為非營利、準公共化與私立者皆高於公立幼兒園。四、桃園市教保服務人員對整體幼兒園品牌形象的知覺情形,園所類型為非營利、準公共化與私立者皆高於公立幼兒園。五、桃園市幼兒園行銷型態和策略與幼兒園品牌形象整體呈現高度相關。六、桃園市幼兒園行銷型態能對整體幼兒園品牌形象正向預測,其中互動行銷擁有最佳預測力。七、桃園市幼兒園行銷策略能對整體幼兒園品牌形象正向預測,其中產品策略擁有最佳預測力。The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of preschool marketing and brand image in Taoyuan City, to analyze the differences in the perceptions of preschool marketing style, marketing strategy and brand image among preschool educators with different backgrounds and to explore the correlation and prediction of preschool marketing style, marketing strategy and brand image in Taoyuan City.The research instrument was a self-administered questionnaire entitled"The Correlation between Marketing and Brand Image of preschool in Taoyuan City". 500 questionnaires were distributed, 390 of which were valid, and the validity rate was 83.87%. The data were compiled and analyzed through descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA , Pearson correlation coefficient and Multiple regression analysis. The following conclusions were obtained : 1. The current awareness of preschool marketing and brand image among the preschool educators in Taoyuan City is on medium-highlevel. 2. The preschool educators with a monthly salary of 30,001-40,000 yuan have higher cognition of overall preschool marketing style than those with a monthly salary of 60,001 yuan or more. The preschool educators in non-profit preschools, quasi-public preschools, and private preschools have higher cognition of overall preschool marketing style than those in public preschools. 3. The preschool educators in non-profit preschools, quasi-public preschools, and private preschools have higher cognition of overall preschool marketing strategy than those in public preschools.4. The preschool educators in non-profit preschools, quasi-public preschools, and private preschools have higher cognition of overall preschool brand image than those in public preschools.5. The preschool marketing style and strategy in Taoyuan City are highly correlated with the overall preschool brand image.6. The preschool marketing style in Taoyuan can positively predict the overall preschool brand image of preschools, and the best predictive power one is interactive marketing.7. The preschool marketing strategy in Taoyuan City can positively predict the overall preschool brand image, and the best predictive power one is product strategy.幼兒園行銷幼兒園品牌形象preschool marketingpreschool brand image桃園市幼兒園行銷與品牌形象之相關研究Research on Marketing and Brand Image of Preschools in Taoyaun Countyreport_pro