劉有德Yeou-Teh Liu林品緯Pin-Wei Lin2019-09-052012-8-202019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699330040%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106296團體扯鈴比賽中,團體指定動作是穩拿分數的項目。在指定動作的六個項目中,其中包含有「長拋鈴」動作之項目便有三項。除了教練所給予的口語指導外,還能以什麼樣具體的方法有效練習?目的:檢驗工作限制的練習對於學習長拋鈴之效果。方法:招募完全不會扯鈴之大專院校男女學生共16名,分至實驗組與控制組各男5名女3名。實驗組在練習長拋鈴時加上工作限制,控制組則無。兩組同時學習扯鈴基本動作後,進行長拋鈴動作之前測,再以不同練習方式,練習一週三回,每回150次的長拋鈴動作。最後進行長拋鈴動作之後測。此外另有專家組4人,作為動作表現及型態的比較標準。分析的資料除了長拋鈴成功率及落點距離外,並利用攝機拍攝長拋鈴動作之運動學資料,計算鈴與膝蓋位置的垂直差以及鈴出手前雙手之相對位置,再以二因子混合設計變異數分析進行兩組間前後測的統計考驗;兩組的後測並與專家組進行克-瓦二氏單因子變異數等級分析。結果:實驗組長拋鈴的成功率比控制組低,動作型態比控制組變異性高,但其動作型態除雙手垂直相對位置外,與專家組較相近;控制組的動作型態,除了雙手垂直相對位置外,與專家組差距較大。結論 :一、兩組經過練習皆有顯著的進步,但工作限制組的後測成功率比限制組來得低。二、經過一週450次的練習,限制導向的方式確實可幫助其動作型態與專家組相似,但其動作變異性仍較非限制組為高。三、建議增加對長拋鈴專家的動作分析,做為改進長拋鈴限制導向練習的基礎;改進前擋板限制的方式;延長練習時間至動作趨於穩定且成熟的階段,以發揮工作限制對其動作的影響。The mandatory routines in Team Diabolo event provide the basic points for scoring in competition. Among the six mandatory routines, three involve the skill of “diabolo long-pass.” How can we help the learners to acquire the diabolo long-pass skill more effectively in addition to the verbal instruction to practice? Purpose: To examine the effect of constraint-lead practice on learning diabolo long-pass. Method: Sixteen college students who had no experience of diabolo were recruited and assigned to the experimental group and the control group each with 5 male and 3 female students. Participants in the experimental group practiced the diabolo long-pass with the task constraints program. Pre and post tests were conducted for both groups before and after the 450 practice trials of the diabolo long-pass. In addition, 4 expert diabolo performers served to provide performance template for comparison. Success rate and the distance to the target as well as kinematics of the diabolo-knee and the relative positions of the two hands were analyzed. Two way mixed design ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis one way ANOVA by ranks were used for statistical analyses. Results: The success rate of the diabolo long-pass is lower and the variability of the movement pattern is greater for the experimental group than the control group. However, the movement patterns of the experimental group are closer to those of the experts except for the vertical relative positions of the hands. Conclusions: Both groups improved through practice with a lower success rate in the experimental group. After 450 trials of practice in a week, task-constraints program did help the learners to produce the movement patterns that are similar to the expert performance with a relatively large movement variability. Future studies should include analyses of experts’ performances as the basis for design practice program; improve the placement of the frontal board; and extend the practice time to a stable performance level in order to take the full advantage of the constraint-lead practice.扯鈴長拋鈴工作限制運動技能學習diabolodiabolo long-passask constraintsmotor skill learning工作限制對學習扯鈴長拋鈴之影響The effect of task constraints on learning the diabolo long-pass