洪嘉馡Hong, Jia-Fei夏瑪麗Sharapova Mariia2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060485019I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109949語言遷移是造成聲調發音偏誤的一個主要原因。學習者學習一種新語言,在發音上經常會把原本既有的語言發音經驗運用在新語言的學習上。華語學習者也會受母語重音模式的影響。重音模式遷移到目的語中,出現不符合華語聲調音高變化模式的語音偏誤。因此,本研究假設以俄文為母語的華語學習者會把母語句重音的規則用到華語中。 本研究的目的在於探討俄語中的句重音是否會對華語三聲連續變調表現產生負遷移的結果。 本研究以含三聲變調詞的句子材料實施了語音實驗,紀錄10位母語為俄語華語文學習者的發音。為了與上述10位母語為俄語的華語文學習者做比較本研究也請華語母語者參加錄音。為了判斷句子裡重音的位置和聲調正確性,本研究也請 1 位對於聲調較敏感,受過專業語音訓練的華語母語者做出評量。最後採用 Praat 語言學軟件把語音材料轉化為可視化圖形 ,從中找出受試者的發音特徵和錯誤。結果顯示,以俄語為母語的華語文學習者的三聲變調表現確實受到母語中句重音的影響 ,造成華語母語者和以俄文為母語華語學習者不一致的三聲變調的發音。Language transfer is a major cause of Chinese tones pronunciation errors. While learning a new language, learners often use their native language rules in the pronunciation of the second language. Chinese language learners are also affected by the logical stress pattern of the mother tongue. The logical stress rules of their native language shifts to the target language, causing the Chinese tones pitch change. Therefore, this study assumes that Russian-speaking Chinese learners will apply the rules of Russian logical stress to Chinese. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the Russian sentence logical stress can produce negative transfer effects on the Chinese tone sandhi. In this paper, a speech experiment was carried out using sentence materials containing tone sanghi words, and the pronunciation of 10 Russian-speaking Chinese learners was recorded. In order to make a comparison with the above 10 Chinese learners, this study invited one native Chinese speaker to participate in the recording. This study also asked a Chinese speaker trained in phonetics to judge the position of the logical stress in the sentence and the correctness of the tonal production. This participant has had a relative training in lingustics. Finally, Praat linguistics software was used to convert the speech material into a visual graph, which allows to assess the tonal characteristics and errors. The results show that the Chinese tone sandhi production of the Russian-speaking Chinese learners does experience the influence of the logical stress rules of their native language, resulting in the different pronunciation with the native Chinese speakers.語言遷移聲調偏誤連續變調句重音偏誤分析Language transferLogical stressTone errorsContinuous tone sandhiError analysis俄語句重音對華語三聲連續變調的影響──以俄語為母語的學習者為例The Influence of Russian Logical Stress on Chinese Continuous Tone Sandhi--A Case Study of Russian-speaking Learners