蘇憲法Su, Hsien-Fa吳智勇Wu, Jhih-Yong2020-12-10不公開2020-12-102016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0099603104%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114520  本論文以筆者對於「繪畫語彙」以及生長過程中的「內心情感記憶」做為研究與書寫的方向。從每張繪畫創作中,去探討每個物件擺設的巧思與內心情感的多元交織,並且從每個構圖面像去探討與引申,找出最適切的繪畫意涵。論文中也藉由引述與思索探究,使創作形式與技巧相輔相成,進而更為深刻。   筆者在臺灣這片土地上生長,體認到這片土地的真與美,尤其是在這擁有豐富且獨特文化的寶島—臺灣。在研究此方向內容時,臺灣獨特文化令創作的涵義更貼近藝術與生活。因此,筆者用心探究以內心樸實再出發,來撰寫此研究。在本論文中,筆者引用與探討了許多的偉大畫家,不管是創作形式,或者是生平的生活情感累積,都一一的列舉與解析,希望在創作的思路上加以釐清,並且藉由此方式探討更多關於筆者創作上的問題,期盼從中發揮此論文對於筆者日後創作的實際幫助。   筆者將本論文分為六個章節敘述。在這六個章節之中,筆者將心中對於創作的理念,以研究之角度來切入。從一開始對於物象題材的單純喜好,所產生的研究動機,再從感興趣的相關題材做一積極創作,並找尋出更穩健的美術相關學理與基礎,來做為創作之基石。   論文中,在世界名家的作品介紹裡,筆者以最感興趣的創作思路為研究方向,並從中探討名家是如何將創作作品演變為成熟作品。然而,在詮釋作品的過程中,技法縱然不是創作的唯一核心,但絕對是表達的重要方式之一。 因此,在研究所的求學過程中,筆者與教授老師們不斷的請益,透過實際的作品創作,從中一一歸納出技法的適切性。   筆者透過近幾年的作品整理與論文撰寫,思考出自身所欠缺的養份為何,並謹慎地思考未來在繪畫創作上該如何繼續往前邁進,使筆者日後有著更為成熟之創作風貌及更有深度之創作內涵。 關鍵字:情感記憶、繪畫語彙、臺灣文化、圖騰、未來性  The thesis is portrayed through the vocabulary of painting and the process of innermost emotional memory. To explore each painting, the ingenuity of object furnishing and the intertwining of innermost affection were revealed, and from each composition, the most appropriate connotation of painting would be extended. The thesis also punctuated the importance of the complementarity between creative forms and techniques via pondering and probing relevant research. The author was born and lived in Taiwan, on this island, the sacred land fulfilled with beauty and genuineness, especially in its prolific and distinctive cultures. Namely, the unique culture of Taiwan makes the connotation of creation nestle up arts and livelihood. The author thus composed this thesis with wholehearted honesty. In this thesis, the abundance of great painters was quoted and discussed through the enumeration and analysis of various creative forms or accumulated biographical affection, and in the meanwhile, the thinking of creation could be clarified and supportive to the creations in the future. The thesis embraces six chapters, and each chapter is expounded on the author’s ideas in creation. Research motivations were emerged from the pure love of thematic images, and then the basis of creation was burgeoned from interesting themes and relevant aesthetic theorems and foundations. In the thesis, within the introductions of the masterpiece of world class painters, the research direction was followed with the thinking of creation, and then discussed how these creative works became mature performances. In the process of works interpretation, the painting skills were not the only core of creation but the most significant expression of all. Therefore, the author consulted supervisors during the graduate school, learning how to induce the relevance of technique through the actual creations. Through the thesis and relevant creations, the author reflected its disadvantages and cautiously considered how to progress the creation of painting in the future, to make the author transfer to mature creations and in-depth connotation of creation. Key Words : Affective Memory, Painting Language, Taiwan Culture, Totem, Futurity情感記憶繪畫語彙臺灣文化圖騰未來性Affective MemoryPainting LanguageTaiwan CultureTotemFuturity情感記憶的繪畫語彙探討The Exploration of Painting Language of Affective Memory