饒達欽博士戴建耘博士Dar-Chin Rau, Ph.D.Chien-Yun Dai, Ph.D.賀秋白Chiu-Pai Ho2019-09-042013-09-012019-09-042007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892700086%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99269摘 要 近年世界各國均大力推動數位內容產業,但是相關之數位能力指標尚屬少見,由於圖文傳播領域與數位內容息息相關,是故數位能力之培育對於圖文傳播教育至屬重要。惟有關之研究尚付諸闕如,數位能力更未見到專家學者將其整理、推廣與運用。又以圖文傳播製程複雜多元,基於「複製前」為製程之前端,故本研究乃擇定「複製前」領域之數位能力指標進行研究。 本研究之目的在:壹、建構圖文傳播複製前數位能力指標:一、探討圖文傳播複製前數位能力內涵。二、訂定圖文傳播複製前數位能力指標。三、圖文傳播複製前數位能力指標之分級。貳、圖文傳播複製前數位能力指標之應用:一、圖文傳播產業對複製前數位能力之需要性。二、運用圖文傳播複製前數位能力指標。 為達成研究目的,本研究兼採質性與量化研究,研究之進行採用「指標建構複合性方法」建構數位能力指標系統。指標定稿後,進行圖文傳播產業專家意見調查。事後,加以統計、分析,將指標依重要性加以排序、整理,提出結論與建議。並將數位能力指標出版公佈推廣至圖文傳播有關產業,如數位內容產業、出版產業、印刷產業、攝影產業、文化創意產業等之運用與施行。 綜合歸納本研究主要的具體結論如下:一、圖文傳播複製前製程之數位能力計有八類指標層面、十六種指標向度、九十項能力指標。二、圖文傳播複製前製程數位能力指標層面包含八類層面分別為:(一)圖文傳播複製前製程設備使用、(二)圖文傳播原稿製作、(三)圖文傳播作品設計與規劃、(四)圖文傳播內容製作、(五)圖文傳播內容整合、(六)圖文傳播內容呈現、(七)圖文傳播管理、(八)圖文傳播網路使用。三、經由統計分析結果,顯示在九十個能力指標中,「非常重要」的指標共有9項、「重要」的指標共77項、「普通」指標4項。(如依照平均數分級時,計有35項非常重要指標與55項重要指標,沒有普通重要以下的指標)。四、經統計分析結果,產業非常需要的數位能力41項、需要的數位能力40項、普通需要的數位能力9項。 依照眾數為基礎分級,非常重要的指標落在第三能力層面作品設計與規劃、第四能力層面內容製作、第八能力層面網路使用數位能力。表示,圖文傳播產業界與學術界的專家們認為圖文傳播複製前數位能力最重要的是作品設計與規劃數位能力、內容製作數位能力、以及網路使用數位能力。 依平均數評量,從複製前數位能力「向度」的角度切入,較重要的數位能力指標向度,是複製前製程設備硬體、複製前製程軟體設備、紙本載體、數位載體、圖像影像、文字、內容整合以及色彩管理,可知目前大學生們學習複製前數位能力應該優先學習之重點在於「製作設備之運用、數位內容的載體紙本的或是數位的、圖像影像以及文字的處理與製作,數位內容要素圖像、影像、語音與文字的整合,以及色彩管理。」 數位能力指標與產業對數位能力的需要性,兩者呈現正相關。亦即數位能力指標重要者,產業的需要性也跟著提高。利用「指標重要性」來預測「產業需要性」是可行的;「指標重要性」可以解釋「產業需要性」的81.3%。反之,產業的需要性也可以解釋指標的重要性。Abstract Recently many countries in the world are aggressively promoting digital content industries in order to meet the challenges created by the global Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); however, few digital competence standards or indices are available to date. Since graphic communications and broadcasting are more and more closely related with digitization and computer-aided processes, ICT skills and digital competence become critically important in the education of Graphic Communication students at the university level. On the other hand, relevant research studies in the field of digital competence are scarce and so far there are no experts or scholars putting efforts together in compiling and promoting the application of a viable digital competence standard. Due to the complexity of the manufacturing process of graphic communication and that the Pre-reproduction is the very first stage of the whole process, this research thus focused on the study and construction of a Pre-reproduction Digital Competence Standard, with meaningful indicators to evaluate the Graphic Communication students’ ICT skills and digital competence at the university level. There were two major purposes for this research study. The first major objective was to establish a set of pre-reproduction digital competence indicators for the Graphic Communication students, under which there were three (3) sub goals: i) explore and study the digital competence connotation for the pre-reproduction of Graphic Communication, ii) Establish the digital competence indicators for the pre-reproduction of Graphic Communication and iii) Weigh the digital competence indicators for the pre-reproduction of Graphic Communication in sequence of their importance. The second major objective was to establish the application for the pre-reproduction digital competence indicators, under which there were two (2) sub-goals: i) Study the necessity of the pre-reproduction digital competences for Graphic Communication, ii) Use the Pre-reproduction digital competence indicators as a self-assessment tool for the Graphic Communication students. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were carried out in developing a comprehensive index system for digital competence. The index system was then validated through related researches and investigations in Graphic Communication. The resulted standard were analyzed through statistical tools in determining the sequence of importance of all the indicators and drew conclusions and recommendations for the study. The digital competence indicators were then published to be applied to all Graphic Communication related industries, such as printing, publishing and photographic industries, culturally creative industries and digital content industries, etc. as a standard in measuring the digital competence levels. The conclusions of this research were summarized as the followings: 1. The hierarchy of the digital competence standard included eight (8) index layers, sixteen (16) index aptitudes and ninety (90) competence indicators, respectively. 2. The eight index layers of the pre-reproduction digital competence for Graphic Communication were: i) Pre-reproduction Equipment Usage, ii) Generation of the Original Draft for Graphic Communication, iii) Graphic Communication Product Design and Planning, iv) Graphic Communication Content Creation, v) Graphic Communication Content Compilation and Finalization, vi) Graphic Communication Presentation, vii) Graphic Communication Management and viii) Graphic Communication Internet Applications, respectively. 3. According to the results of the statistical analysis, among the ninety (90) indicators nine (9) were categorized( by the Mode) as extremely important, seventy seven (77) were important and four (4) were of ordinary in nature, respectively. If using the weighted average(by the Mean) to categorize them, then thirty (35) indicators were considered extremely important and fifty five (55) were important and none were of ordinary in nature. 4. The statistical analysis also indicated that forty one (41) of these digital competences were considered to be extremely essential by the digital content industries, while forty (40) and nine (9) were considered essential and ordinary in nature, respectively. When categorizing these digital competence indicators by popular votes (the Mode), the extremely important indicators fell mostly in the 3rd (Product Design and Planning), the 4th (Content Creation) and the 8th (Internet Application) layers, respectively. This indicated that experts and scholars considered skills and abilities of these 3 layers of particular importance among the 8 major layers. By weighted average evaluation (the Mean), the study indicated that among the 16 aptitudes the most important ones in digital competence for the pre-reproduction Graphic Communication were hardware equipment knowledge, software equipment knowledge, Printed Carrier, Digital Carrier, Video and Graphics, Word Processing, Content Compilation and Color Management. Conceivably Graphic Communication students in colleges and universities should emphasize in these areas when cultivating their digital competence skills and abilities. The relationship between the digital competence indicators and the necessity of digital competence in relevant industries are linear, that is, the more important the digital competence indicator, the higher the degree of its necessity in applicable industry. Thus, it is possible to predict the “industrial necessity” of certain digital competence by the importance of the indicator. This study showed that the “degree of importance” of the digital competence indicators explained 81.3% of the “industrial necessity” consistently. Conversely, the industrial necessity could also explain the degree of importance of the digital competence indicators.圖文傳播複製前製程數位能力指標資訊通訊技術Graphic CommunicationPre-reproductionDigital CompetenceIndicatorInformation and Communication Technology大學圖文傳播系學生之複製前數位能力指標建構Establishing Pre-reproduction Digital Competence Indicators for University Level Graphic Communication Students