蔡慧敏李莉儂2019-09-052015-2-202019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060046010S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103628 教育展示是現代植物園的主要功能之一,本研究的場域台北植物園是一個都會型的植物園,位於交通便利的台北市區內,是一個兼具歷史與自然價值的植物園,加上鄰近各級學校,因此是一個相當適合發展成為大眾親近自然、認識自然的環境教育場域。目前台北植物園的教育活動,主要是不分齡的導覽解說,學習的內涵以植物相關的知識為主,在環境教育的發展上應該還有更多可能性。 研究採用北美環境教育學會(NAAEE)於2011年提出的環境素養評量模式做為資料分析的工具,從環境素養的四個面向:知識、環境意向、綜合能力、負責任的環境行為,探討適合台北植物園的環境教育學習內涵,並探討台北植物園環境教育之學習內涵與學習方法需求,與界定台北植物園環境教育的學習歷程。 研究結果發現,在知識方面,台北植物園能夠促進學習者對於各類植物以及植物學相關知識的瞭解,並體會植物對於人和自然生態環境的重要性;從台北植物園中的史前遺址、古蹟、老樹能夠認識台北植物園的環境史,與台北從史前至今的發展歷程;在環境議題方面,台北植物園應該讓學習者瞭解目前自然生態環境所面臨的威脅,藉此體認植物保育的迫切與必要性。在環境意向方面,台北植物園應重視啟發學習者「對於植物與自然的興趣」、培養學習者「喜愛與尊重自然的態度」,提升學習者的「環境覺知與敏感度」以及「環境行為意圖」。在綜合能力方面,「野外調查與實驗能力」以及「分析環境議題並選擇自己的立場」是台北植物園推行環境教育時可融入的學習內涵。在負責任的環境行為面向,台北植物園可針對環境議題提出解決問題的方法或是對於環境友善的行為 在環境教育發展需求方面,「欣賞與喜愛自然的態度」、「以各種感官探索自然環境」、「保育自然環境的必要性與方法」、「基因改造食品議題」是較多受訪者認為台北植物園應該加強的環境教育學習內涵。台北植物園的導覽解說一直以來重視植物科學或專業知識,因此應該帶入更多生態學的概念。而「導覽解說」、「啟發性的遊戲」、「農業或園藝之實作體驗」和「攝影或藝術創作」是較多受訪者認為應該採取的學習方式。 在學習歷程方面,若對象為學齡前至國小低年級的兒童,應著重於感官的啟發,以及培養他們對於自然的喜愛與興趣;若對象國小中年級至中學的學生,可逐漸讓他們學習關於植物與生態的各類知識、環境議題,以及培養他們分析環境議題與野外調查的能力;而成人的學習者應重視行為面向的學習,並且學習內涵要與他們的需求或興趣結合 依據研究結果,本研究對於台北植物園的環境教育規劃、環境教育方案設計、室內空間運用,以及未來研究方向提出建議。Education is one of the main functions of modern botanical garden. Taipei Botanical Garden is located in the Taipei area with both history and natural values. Moreover, Taipei Botanical Garden is adjacent to all levels of school. Therefore it is very suitable for it to become an environmental education field. Currently, the learning subjects of guided tours in Taipei Botanical Garden are focusing on the plant- related knowledge. As an environmental education field, there should be more possibilities. This study adopts the environmental literacy assessment model that presented by North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) in 2011as a data analysis tool. This model defines environmental literacy as four dimensions:knowledge, dispositions, competencies and environmental responsible behavior. The research questions are as followed: 1. The learning subjects that suitable for Taipei Botanical Garden under four dimensions of environmental literacy. 2. The demands for both environmental education learning subjects and methods of Taipei Botanical Garden 3. The environmental education learning process of Taipei Botanical Garden. Study found that, in knowledge dimension, Taipei Botanical Garden can let learners understand the characters of different plants, the basic concepts of botany and the importance of plants to environment and people. The monuments and old trees can let people understand the environmental history of Taipei Botanical Garden and Taipei City. About environmental issues, Taipei Botanical Garden should make learns understand the threats that our nature environment faces. In dispositions dimension, Taipei Botanical Garden should focus on upgrading learner’s interest to plants and nature, affection and respect to nature, awareness and sensibility to environmental, and intention to environmental behavior. In competencies dimension, the ability to investigate and experiment and the ability to analysis environmental issues are suitable for environmental education in Taipei Botanical Garden. In environmental responsible behavior, Taipei Botanical Garden should give environmental behavior suggestions according to different environment issues. The interviewees consider “Appreciation and love to natural “,”exploring nature with a variety of senses “,” the necessity and methods in nature conservation “, ” genetic modified food “ are the learning subjects demands of Taipei Botanical Garden. “Inspiring game “, “the implementation of agricultural or horticultural”, “photographic or arts “are the learning methods that Taipei Botanical Garden should adopt. For children of preschool to first two year of elementary school, their learning should focus on inspiring senses and their appreciation to nature; for elder students of elementary school to high school, gradually give them the knowledge of plants, ecology and environmental issues. The ability to analysis environmental issues and investigate are also important in this phase. For adult, their learning should focus on environmental responsible environmental behavior. Also, the learning subjects should cater to their needs and interest. Based on the findings, this study makes some suggestions on the environmental education plan, the program design, the usage of new interior space and the future research directions.植物園台北植物園環境教育環境素養Botanical GardenTaipei Botanical GardenEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Literacy台北植物園之環境教育學習內涵與需求探討:以環境素養之架構分析The Study of Environmental Education Learning Subjects and Demands in Taipei Botanical Garden: An Analysis with Environmental Literacy Framework