陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen吳茹茜Wu, Ju-Chien2022-06-082022-07-302022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/474441c4c2af0677761115ab9ae990df/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118317本研究以新北市立丹鳳高中為個案,瞭解自主學習於高中學校實施之現況、問題與挑戰,以協助學校建立自主學習的發展模式。學校從107學年度開始規劃自主學習相關活動,108年9月配合課綱開始推動學生進行自主學習,一切都還在摸索與調整的階段,學校於上學期提供3個自主學習主題,未選擇上述主題之學生留在班上由導師指導,下學期改為14個學科主題,學生依自身的興趣做選擇。研究採用問卷分析法以及訪談法,對於108學年度之全體高一學生進行三次的問卷調查,探究學生是否具備自主學習的能力,分析學生經過一整年的自主學習活動後自主學習知能之改變,以及對於自主學習活動的看法,並於整學年活動結束後,訪談丹鳳高中的四位師長,包含校長、圖書館主任、圖書館採編組長以及負責老師,以理解高中實施自主學習之問題與挑戰。研究結果顯示:1.學生對自主學習的認同度經過一年自主學習後並無明顯提升,尋求協助的認同度最高,自我評估的認同度最低;2.學生知道自己選擇之自主學習主題,選擇自主學習主題的因素以自身興趣為主,其次為同儕影響,一週花費在自主學習的時間從原本較分散到集中在兩小時;3.學生肯定自主學習,但真的要執行時卻仍回到傳統的方式去尋求教師指引或者希望有可以參考的範本;4.上下學期的自主學習活動不完全相同,且時間安排不足,導致學生產出成果受限;5.學校自主學習的空間不足,教師對自身角色定義不夠明確,且學生培養自主能力需要時間,短時間難看出成效;6.校方應持續推動自主學習,給學生更多自主的空間,並達成共識找出適合的發展方向。The study analyzes the case of self-directed learning in Danfeng High School in New Taipei City. The intention of this paper is to understand the current situation, problems and challenges of self-directed learning in high schools, so as to help them establish a development model of self-directed learning.The school cooperates with the “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education" to promote students' self-directed learning, and begin planning related learning activities in the previous year. Three self-directed learning topics were provided in the last semester. Students who did not choose the above topics will be guided by their instructors in class. In the next semester, 14 subjects will be taken as the themes of self-directed learning, and students will choose according to their own interests. The research adopts questionnaire analysis methods and interview methods.Three questionnaire surveys were conducted for all high school freshmen to understand if they have the ability to learn independently. And to analyze the changes in students' autonomous learning knowledge and abilities after a whole year of self-directed learning activities, as well as their points of views on these activities. By the end of the school year, interviews will be conducted with four teachers in Danfeng High School. The interview content was used for analyzing the difficulties and challenges of the self-directed learning programme during the implementation. The research results show that: (1) There is no significant improvement being shown after a whole year’s self-directed learning activities. In terms of that, the identification of help-Seeking is the highest, while the identification of self-evaluation is the lowest on the survey. (2) Students understand the themes they have chosen for the programme. The main factors for choosing themes are their own interests, followed by peer influences. The duration of self-directed learning per week is concentrated in two hours. (3) Students are certain about the advantages of self-directed learning. However when they implement it, they tend to seek guidance from teachers or look for a model they can refer to. (4) Self-directed learning activities in the two semesters are not exactly the same and the time schedules are insufficient, which result in the limited outcome of students. (5) The school doesn't have enough space for self-directed learning. Teachers' definition of their own roles is not clear enough. Additionally, it takes time to cultivate students' abilities on self-directed learning, so it is difficult to see the results within a short period of time. (6) The school should encourage self-directed learning with more time and space, in order to reach a consensus for a suitable development direction with students.自主學習自我導向學習108課綱個案研究Self-directed learningCase studyCurriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education高中生自主學習現況與問題之探討─以丹鳳高中為例The State of Self-directed Learning of DanFeng High School學術論文