國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系劉乃昀陳政友2014-12-022014-12-022008-06-011561-8137http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/40084本研究採立意取樣的方式以台北市兩所國民小學低年級學童之家長為研究對象,計得有效問卷為525人,並得結論如下:一、整體而言,研究對象對於學童採取近視防治的行為是偏於積極的。二、研究對象「自覺學童近視罹患性」會因學童年級、學童近視與否、母親近視與否及家庭社經地位之不同水準而有顯著差異;研究對象「自覺學童近視防治障礙性」及「對學童近視防治之行動線索」都會因學童近視與否而有顯著差異;研究對象「對學童採取近視防治行為」則會因學童學業總成績、母親近視與否及家庭社經地位之不同水準而有顯著差異。三、「自覺學童近視嚴重性」、「自覺學童近視防治有效性」、「接收學童近視防治行動線索」越高,而「自覺學童近視防治障礙性」越低者,越傾向對學童採取近視防治行為。另外,「對學童近視防治健康信念」、「對學童近視防治之行動線索」與「社會人口學變項」對「對學童採取近視防治行為」解釋力達21.5%。The purpose of this research concerns the application of a "Health Belief Model in an investigation on the factors influencing the parents of Taipei city school children in adopting certain myopia preventative measures for their children." There are 525 participants. The conclusions and recommendations are as follows: 1. Generally speaking, the participants have taken a highly active role in. 2. Participants who answered "School children's Perceived susceptibility to myopia" were influenced by the following factors: the child's age, whether the child has myopia, whether the mother of the child suffers from myopia, and SES (The family's social/economic status) are emerged obviously difference. Participants' "School children's perceived barriers of taking action to myopia" and "Taking preventative for school children's myopia cue in action" and the participants' answer to "the source of information for myopic preventative measures". Participants' adoption myopic preventative measures for their children were influenced by factors such as the child's academic records, whether the mother of the child suffers from myopia, and SES. 3. Participants that: "School children's Perceived severity to myopia", "School children's perceived benefits of taking action to myopia", are highly "Taking preventative for school children's myopia cue in action", has encountered few "School children's perceived barriers of taking action to myopia", have a higher tendency to adopt myopic preventative measures for their children. Furthermore, the following factors: "Health belief in myopic prevention for school children", "Taking preventative for school children's myopia cue in action" and "the population change indices"; explain 21.5% of participants' decision to adopt myopic preventative measures.健康信念模式  家長  學童近視防治行為Health belief model�arents�reventative measures for child myopia臺北市家長對學童採取近視防治行為及其相關因素研究--健康信念模式之應用The Influence of Health Belief Model on the Parents' Adoption of Preventive Measures against Myopia for Their Elementary School Children�