黃淑貞姚元青陳政友陳金記2014-10-272014-10-272002-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18034本研究旨在了解泰雅族人飲食衛生行為,並探討其飲食衛生訊息接收管道,以及其間的關係。研究者以宜蘭縣大同鄉十二歲以上的泰雅族人為母群體,經集束抽樣訪 問410位民眾從事調查,結果以次數分配及階層複迴歸分析。研究結果發現:(一)民眾有以下不良飲食衛生行為,如:購買包裝食品未注意製造日期及保存期 限、生食魚肉類及生飲自然水源。(二)飲食衛生訊息管道最主要為電視及醫護人員。不同背景的民眾使用不同之飲食衛生訊息管道。(三)性別、年齡、教育程度 及飲食衛生態度對於飲食衛生行為有顯著的影響。本研究建議:(一)了解原住民文化,積極宣傳飲常衛生知識,培養正確態度及建立正確行為,並加強改善當地自 來水供應質量及提昇食物提供環境。(二)未來山地鄉衛生教育宣傳活動應該更多元化、精緻化,及符合當地的民情,適合當地的需要。進行時運用當地的人力,並 針對不同社會人口學背景的民眾使用不同訊息管道,縝密規劃衛生教育計畫。(三)加強問卷內容及提高訪視品質。This study aims to investigate the food sanitary behavior of Tai-ya people and explore the information channels of these messages. The relationship of both is also studied. The researchers used the population above 12 years old of the Tai-ya people in the Da-tong Precinct of I-lan County as the population. Four hundred and ten people were selected as the subjects by using the technique of cluster sampling. The results were as following:(1) People processed poor food sanitary behavior, such as without paying attention to the producing and expiring dates of the manufactured food while purchasing, eating raw fish and meat and drinking unboiled water. (2) The main information channels of the food sanitation were television and medical personnel. People of different demographic background used different information channels. (3) Gender, age, educational level and attitudes toward food sanitation were the factors influencing the behavior. The practices of implementing health education programs and the directions for further research were proposed.原住民泰雅族飲食衛生行為飲食衛生態度訊息管道大同鄉Original residentsAboriginal peopleTai-ya peopleFood sanitary behaviorFood sanitary attitudeInformation channelDa-tong precinct泰雅族人飲食衛生訊息管道與飲食衛生行為之關係研究Information Channels of Food Sanitation and Food Sanitary Behavior of Tai-Ya People