黃迺毓教授胡蕙2019-08-282016-2-262019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698060026%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87095本研究旨在探討中高齡者的家人關係對幸福感的影響。以台北市及新北市中高齡者為對象,採取問卷調查法,以立意取樣方式獲得有效樣本共500份。根據研究結果獲致以下結論: 在中高齡者與家人關係上,顯示中高齡者的家人關係良好,尤對家人情感最為重視。另與配偶或子女同住、教育程度高、從事工商服務業與專業教育業、收入越高,以及主觀社會階層越高的中高齡者皆呈現與家人關係有較高的親密感受。 在中高齡者的家人關係與幸福感上,研究結果顯示中高齡者的家人關係變項中,家人情感、配偶互動及子女互動與幸福感皆呈正相關,即中高齡者與家人關係在家人情感、配偶互動以及子女互動越親密,個人主觀幸福感也越高。在各變項上,顯示女性、信仰基督教或天主教、與子女同住、健康狀況越好、教育程度越高,以及主觀社會階層越高的中高齡者,其幸福感受亦越高。其中,健康狀況及主觀社會階層在四個模型中皆呈現高度顯著,成為中高齡者主觀幸福感的重要因子。This research aims at exploring the influence of family relations on personal well-being. The researcher used purposive sampling techniques to collect survey data from 500 mid-age and elder adults. Based on the analysis of the survey data, the following findings can be concluded. In terms of family relations, the study shows that the mid-age and elder adults demonstrated strong family relations, in particular with the dimension of family bonds. Moreover, individuals who lived with spouse or children, were highly educated professionals, with higher income and subjective social status were more likely to express intimate emotional connection and bonds with their family members. With regard to the relationship between family relations and personal well-being, the analysis shows a positive correction between family bonds and personal well-being. In other words, mid-age and elder adults who expressed stronger family bonds and intimate interaction with spouse or children were happier than those who lacked such strong family relations. In addition, individuals who were female, Christian and healthier, living with children, as well as with subjective social status expressed greater well-being. Among all the determining factors, a person’s health condition and subjective social status are the most significant ones explaining the level of personal well-being.中高齡家人關係主觀幸福感mid-age and elderfamily relationsubjective well-being中高齡者的家人關係對幸福感的影響