蔡雅薰Tsai, Ya-Hsun白千晏Pai, Chien-Yen2023-12-082022-07-272023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6625cd659cd3be6e8ca19f97ecb76e04/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119043本研究受天下雜誌教育基金會 SDGs 兒童永續書房的繪本書單啟發, 以國際文憑大學預科中文 B 項目的理念與課程設計為參考框架,設計一套 具聯合國永續發展目標精神之實體與線上的華語教材,希望學習者能在 學習語言的同時培養具國際視野與參與國際關懷的世界公民。本研究為確保 SDGs 的主題概念能落實在教材設計中,探討了 SDGs 的背景與其中社會公平類別倡導的核心價值、對台灣以及聯合國六種語 種的書單個別進行了調查與比對、整理繪本教學的相關益處及 IBDP 在台 灣及海外的課程內容設計研究。三課課程均包含五個架構,課程參照 IB 的探究式提問技巧進行語言及 SDGs 議題概念性理解的教學。本研究在文獻回顧與教材撰寫後得到以下結論:第一點,台灣的永 續發展書單是全球當前最具完整性、開創性;第二點,SDGs 兒童永續書 房@天下的繪本與 IBDP 語言教育具有高度關聯性;第三點,SDGs 的社 會公平類概念乃從人的生活根本上解決問題;第四點,國際語言教育中 在與世界接軌,因此課程中的國際性話題顯得格外重要;第五點,IBDP 語言 B 的五個教學大綱規定性主題與 SDGs 17 項目標關注的核心概念有著 密不可分的連結性。最後,在目前國內外研究尚無以 SDGs 為主軸發想的 課程設計的前提下,本教材設計同時包含 IBDP 的國際情懷理念、探究式 提問與 SDGs 的 17 項目標核心價值,期待能將啟發性的國際性思維帶入 華語教學中。This study is inspired by the picture book list of Children's SDGs Book Club published by CommonWealth Magazine, and the framework of the teaching material takes the curriculum design concept of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Language B as the reference. The study wills develop a set of physical and online Chinese teaching materials based on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. By using this teaching material, learners are expected to cultivate as global citizens with an international perspective and mindedness while learning the language.In order to ensure the SDGs concept is well implemented in the design of teaching material, several studies and analyses have been conducted in terms of the development of SDGs, the value of social fairness, the SDGs Book Club of Taiwan, and other six languages, and the educational usages of picture books. Aside from that, each of the three courses consists of five structures, which are taught in terms of conceptual understanding of language and SDGs issues based on IB's inquiring questioning techniques. The research reveals five findings. Firstly, Taiwan's SDGs book list is by far the most complete and extensive in terms of the breadth of topics discussed. Secondly, the picture books on Taiwan's SDGs book list are highly correlated with IBDP language education. Thirdly, the social fairness of SDGs is the most fundamental concern compared to the other two categories. Fourthly, international language education is in line with the world; thereby, it is significant to include international topics and issues in the curriculum. Fifth, the five syllabus prescriptive topics of IBDP language B are inextricably linked to the core concepts of the 17 SDGs objectives. In conclusion, as there is no curriculum design based on SDGs from both domestic and foreign research, this textbook design includes the international mindedness and inquiring question of IBDP and the core values of 17 SDGs, hoping to bring inspiring international thinking into the language classroom.國際文憑組織大學預科項目(IBDP)中文 B聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)教材設計繪本International Baccalaureate Diploma ProgrammeChinese BSustainable Development GoalsTeaching Material DesignPicture BookIBDP中文B之華語教材設計—以SDGs社會公平類繪本為主Chinese Textbook Design of IBDP Chinese B: Based on SDGs Social Fairness Picture Booksetd