康台生Tai Sheng Kang吳文祺Wen Chi Wu2019-09-052013-7-212019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095632111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103190禪的精神乃是東方精神,是直取事物本質,不為形式所拘,一切都體現在生活細小之處,一切都在自然而然之中。禪直覺式觀照的特性,對東方藝術發展的影響甚遠,藝術傳達了禪宗的本質,造就了禪藝,並散發著空靈、直覺、圓成與意境等美學特質。從禪畫的構圖與表現手法中,可以看出禪畫十分重視心靈上的自由與直覺經驗的呈現,尤其是中國的水墨與書法中的自發性線條與墨色,與禪的直覺觀照、樸素、古拙的特性相符。 由於科技的進步與影像的數位化,讓創作不再侷限於傳統形式,表現手法更為多元化,也因此東方傳統文化與元素得以注入新生命,開創嶄新的面貌。本創作研究以禪的美學特質與精神本質,以數位影像設計表現創作成果。運用禪的表現形式中的自發性線條與偶然型,透過電腦數位影像特性,結合禪文化與現代科技,創造出具有現代禪意風格的數位影像作品。本研究創作經過文獻探討與實驗創作得出以下結果: 一、非對稱與不均齊的構圖方式,能讓畫面釋放出視覺張力,一角以外的地方就是無限的空間,呈現空靈之美。 二、自發性的線條與偶然型的運作過程中,藉由人與媒介物的緊密結合,體悟到禪的頓悟之美。 三、傳統元素與數位影像的結合,在視覺上產生虛與實的對比,在心靈上也呈現出一種矛盾融合,虛為實,實為虛的圓成之美。 四、創作的「視覺形象」與「禪的直覺觀照」在觀念上產生了衝突,當以理性相待時,禪越離越遠;以感性相待時,禪就在身邊,而理性與感性之間的差別在於心靈上的自由,也就是創作上的自由。An oriental philosophy, the Zen spirit is derived from the very nature of all things without being confined by form, and all is omnipresent in every minute detail, and all exists in the very nature. The characteristic of Zen’s intuitive view has a profound influence on the development of the oriental art, as art conveys the very nature of the Zen School, creates the Zen Art, and projects a special esthetical quality on egoless mind, intuitiveness, enlightenment and ambience. By gauging the Zen painting’s conception and expression technique, it is not difficult to find that Zen painting emphasizes rather on depicting the spiritual freedom and intuitive experience, particularly how the voluntary lines and link splash in Chinese splash painting and calligraphy mirror Zen’s intuitive view, and its frugal and rustic feature. Thanks to technological progression and imagery digitalization that free the creation process from being confined to the traditional forms, the expression techniques can now be more diverse, and because of so the traditional oriental culture and elements have been injected with new life to venture into brand-new realm. The creative study focus on Zen’s aesthetical quality and spiritual essence, and adopts the digital imagery design to highlight the creative results. The Zen culture and modern technology are blended to create the digital imagery work with a touch of modern Zen style. The study is able to derive the following findings through archival literature review and experimental creation, I.The asymmetrical and uneven conception mode is able to unleash an image with visual tension, where the space beyond a corner can be an infinite space, bestowing the beauty of an egoless mind. II.The voluntary lines and the incidental implementation process foster a close bond between an individual and the medium to experience the enlightening aesthetics of Zen. III.Combining the traditional elements and digital imagery creates a contrast of virtuality and reality in visual perception, and foster an enlightening beauty infused with conflicts intertwined with reality and virtuality in spiritual perception. IV.As the creation’s “visual image” and “Zen’s intuitive view” harbor conflicts in conceptual perspective, when rationality sets in, Zen seems to stray further away, whereas when sensuality sets in, Zen seems to be omnipresent, while rationality and sensuality is merely set apart by spiritual freedom, or rather the freedom to create.禪設計美學水墨數位影像ZenDesignAestheticsInk paintingDigital imagery禪於數位影像設計之創作與研究A Creation and Study on Zen in Digital Imagery Design