姜又梅 Yu-Mei ChiangYu-Mei Chiang2014-10-272014-10-272003-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15468遠距教學藉由資訊與通信技術,提供學習者一個不需要面對面授課的雙向、互動的學習途徑,它不但改善了傳統教育的缺失,也從以往的輔助教學角色進而成為一種新興的學習方式。圖書館應善加利用各種資訊設備,對於民眾資訊素養的提昇有所積極作為,而北市圖藉由遠距教學的學習方式,規劃錄製的兒童圖書資訊素養課程,以加強兒童的資訊素養;此外,也計劃性的開辦館內的「遠距學院」,為分散在大臺北區的館員同仁進行教育訓練課程,為提昇同仁專業素養和圖書館整體服務品質而努力。本文將就北市圖在兒童圖書資訊素養和館員教育訓練課程的建置緣起和辦理現況加以介紹說明。The development of telecommunication and new technology has impacted the traditional way of learning. Distance teaching provides an interactive way of learning for both teaching and learning and it is getting popular because of its convenience and without the limitation of time or space. In order to enhance the children's ability of using the library the Taipei Public Library (TPL) provided a series of courses about the information literacy for all the children; besides, the plan of setting up an "E-Learning Center" for increasing the librarians and staffs' professional knowledge is also ongoing. This paper will have a brief discussion on the development background and present situation of the children's information literacy courses and libraries' on-the-job training in the TPL.遠距教學遠距教育遠距學習Distance teachingDistance educationDistance learning遠距教學在圖書館服務的應用Application of Distance Teaching in Library Services:Taking The Taipei Public Library as an Example