黃純敏林芩竹2019-08-282009-8-272019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0590002020%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89806摘 要 本研究旨在探討以「中學教師教學專業發展系統」(以下簡稱發展系統),協同實習輔導教師對一位國中國文科實習教師進行教學輔導,瞭解實習教師教學專業能力成長的情形;其次亦探討發展系統應用在國中實習教師教學輔導的可行性、可能遭遇的困難及所需的配套措施,最後提出研究結論與建議。 本研究方法以觀察、訪談為之,在七個月間,共進行八次教學觀察與回饋。研究工具有:一、發展系統的觀察工具一、工具二、工具三、工具五與工具八;二、訪談題綱。資料的處理採質性敘述,並將研究結果與實習教師、輔導教師及學生代表做交叉比對分析,獲致研究結論與建議。 本研究結論為:一、實習教師經由發展系統循環的教學輔導模式,在掌握教學目標、活用教學策略、增進有效溝通、營造學習環境與善用評量回饋等五項教學專業能力上,都有改善與漸進成長的表現;二、發展系統具有明確的操作指引與行為指標,可以協助輔導教師有效達成輔導任務,提升輔導知能;三、發展系統具備循序漸進有彈性的優點,可作為國中教學實習輔導模式;四、學校教師視導知能不足與缺乏實質的激勵辦法是實施困難所在;五、增進教師視導知能與教學反思能力有助提升教學輔導成效。 根據結論,本研究針對實習教師、輔導教師、學校與後續研究之建議如下:一、實習教師應積極參與教學輔導的相關研究或教學專業知能研習、勤做教學檔案與強化個人教學反思能力;二、輔導教師應培養助人即助己的工作信念,主動參與教學輔導知能研習,轉化教學輔導的心得,以增進自我反思的能力與同儕間分享教學專業成長的資源;三、學校應落實辦理視導知能研習與設置獎勵辦法,鼓勵經驗傳承並給予教學輔導教師實質的協助與尊重;四、後續研究可將研究對象擴及於代理教師、新進教師甚或資深有意願的教師;研究方法可加入量化研究,使研究層面更深廣。 關鍵字:國中實習教師、教學輔導、臨床視導、中學教師教學專業發展系統Abstract This study explore and understand the student teachers' progress in teaching by the way of giving teaching assistance and supervising a Chinese language student teacher eight times for seven months by pre-observation conference, classroom observation and supervisory conference. The study results from the case are as follows: 1. After the supervision and the assistance from the mentor teacher, the student teachers can use the teaching strategies well, have effective communication ,and use multiple evaluation to give useful feedback; The teaching rules and the operative procedure of the "high school teachers' teaching in the professional system" are flexible, and they can surely improve the teaching ability. 2. Use the observational skills to record the teaching behaviors of the student teachers observed in the classroom, and modify the flaw in the teaching. 3. The obstacles you may encounter: the mentor teachers and the student teachers have less cognition of clinical supervision. The study recommendations from the case are as follows : 1. To the student teachers: take an open-minded approach to new ideas and accept to be supervised; to seize the chance to learn more about professional teaching competence and the experience shared by the mentor teachers; increase the ability of reflection thinking in teaching. 2. To the schools: implement the teaching professional development and the instructional supervision and put them into effect; offer rewards and encourage the teachers to attend the research conference and then give the mentor teachers useful assistance and respect. 3. To the further research and the approach: (1) people being observed: substitute teacher, freshman, or the willing teachers of great teaching experience. (2) method: use the method of quantitative research.國中實習教師教學輔導臨床視導中學教師教學專業發展系統the student teacher of high schoolinstructional supervisionclinical supervision (CS)The System of Professional Instruction Development國中國文科教學實習輔導之個案研究-以教學專業發展系統為例