呂春盛Leu, Chuen-sheng2014-10-272014-10-272013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/19267東晉南朝境內的族群,一般可略分為北來之僑人、南方之吳人,以及南方土著之原住民,其中僑人長期高居統治地位。不過僑人之中有一類被稱之為「晚渡北人」者,身分地位頗為特殊,他們雖可歸為僑人,但因南渡時間較晚,其門第不但不能與早渡之僑姓高門相比,甚至在吳姓高門之下,他們起初多以軍事立功,被稱為「將門」,東晉政權多賴早期南渡京口的北府兵軍團相維繫,而南朝諸政權則與晚渡壽陽、襄陽之將門共浮沈。「晚渡北人」在東晉南朝的歷史上有不可忽視的影響力,以往學界對「晚渡北人」的問題,雖有散篇、個別的探討,但在廣度與深度上都還有很大的探討空間。本文擬對東晉時期的「晚渡北人」做全面性的研究,包括分析《晉書》列傳中所有南渡北人的基本資料,考證「晚渡北人」概念的形成年代及背景,整理出史傳所見東晉時期的「晚渡北人」人物表,以此為基礎進一步探討「晚渡北人」在東晉時期的動向,以及他們在東晉政壇上普遍不遇的原因。至於南朝時期的「晚渡北人」,因為與東晉時期有很大的不同,他們在政權興衰中扮演著更積極的角色,擬另文討論。In general, ethnic groups in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasties can be divided into the people of Chiao from the north, the people of Wu in the south and the aboriginal inhabitants such as ”Man” and “Viet” in the south. Of all the ethnic groups, the people of Chiao held the ruling position for quite a long period of time. However, there was one group from the people of Chiao, which was called “the late migrating northerners”, having a unique social status. Dispite the fact that the late immigrants belonged to the people of Chiao, their social status was incomparably lower than that of the noble Chiao and even lower than the noble Wu since they immigrated to the south far later than other groups. Although they suffered much from political and social discrimination, they played a decisive role in the rise and fall of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and Southern Dynasties. This article is to study when and how the late migrating northerners arises as well as the cause for not obtaining due recognition in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.東晉晚渡北人荒傖僑姓永嘉之亂Eastern Jin Dynastythe Southern Dynastiesthe Chiao peoplethe Wu peoplethe late migrating northerners東晉時期「晚渡北人」的形成及其不遇的原因The Formation of the Late Migrating Northerners in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Cause for Not Meeting with Due Recognition