林東泰Lin, Tung-tai溫子玉Wen, Tzu-yu2019-08-282015-2-112019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060137016F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85142 隨著媒體蓬勃發展,性/別議題與概念的發展也日趨多元,然而社會傳統的性/別價值仍持續存在,面對性/別課題也不再單純,其中牽涉了社會建構與政治權力,而同性戀族群與社會傳統思維價值亦持續拉鋸。而反映社會部分真實的新聞媒體與報導,在面對這樣的社會、文化上的性/別拉鋸,又是如何放置自己的角色位置,而媒體又是如何書寫相關新聞報導? 本研究將援用新聞話語的分析,以「藝人郭采潔反同性戀婚姻」之新聞事件為例,來探究新聞媒體報導同性戀議題的視角。As the media has flourished increasingly , the development of gender issue and concept also has become diverse . However , the sex/gender value of social tradition still exists. Confronting the sex/gender issue is not simple anymore. It contains social constitution and political right, and homosexual groups as well as social tradition value continues to struggle with each other, too. Then, how can the news media represent the social reality of some controversial issue, such as social, culture and sex/gender? Based on the perspective idea in the narrative theories and Critical Discourse Analysis, the study focuses on the news report of “Actress Amber Kuo is opposed to the homosexual marriage”. The main purposes of the study is to explore the perspective underlying in the homosexual news.同性戀同性戀婚姻敘事視角郭采潔批判話語分析homosexualhomosexual marriagepoint of viewAmber kuocritical discourse analysis藝人郭采潔反同性戀婚姻新聞事件話語批判分析Critical Discourse Analysis for“Actress Amber Kuo is opposed to the homosexual marriage”