莊連東賴其發Lai, Chi-Far2020-12-102015-7-172020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097603122%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115021消逝與存在的概念乃是建立在世間存有物的死與生、或無與有的循環轉化的現象之上,人們觀察體悟到所處時空中無論動與靜,此循環永不衰竭的運行著,並因此有了本能情感上的反應、心智思想上的變化,加上社會、文化、時代的氛圍影響,而產生了許多同中有異或異中存同的想法、歸納,甚至衍生了各式各樣的藝文創作。 本創作研究作的創作探討之題材乃是以單一圖像為主,在試圖檢視、討論此 圖像在社會文化上的種種象徵寓意或所傳達之訊息,並依此進行分析與歸納後,建立或加強圖像和「消逝與存在」此主要創作概念的連結或關聯,並進行「消逝與存在」創作概念的研究及探討。 消逝是一種不易感知但又劇烈的持續運動狀態,不易感知仍存有被感知的可 能,這並非是完全無感,此讓人聯想到世間似乎存有一股難測卻又不能否認的神祕力量,人們常以鬼神精怪稱之,此次繪畫創作即以怪誕鬼魅氛圍的形式來呈現,而鬼神畫像亦是中國水墨畫傳統之一,故在繪畫型態上能有所傳承,但亦非是完全模仿,而是融合創作者自身對所生存時空之體察轉化而來。 現今社會雖科技昌明,但這些詭譎怪誕陰翳之說從未因科學的灼灼光華而消 失於無形,反而因傳播技術的推波助瀾,讓這些魍魎形象因而更加鮮明生動,深入人心,畢竟,喜愛幻想是人的天性,這些陰翳鬼魅就憑藉著人類的幻想而生存延續,形象也隨著社會文化、人性情感之更迭狀態而有所變異。 在理論分析歸納之後,最終以顯露著消逝情感的骷髏鬼魅形象作品來呈現此 創作研究之成果。The concepts of “ dying& existence” are built in the phenomena between birth and death, being andnothingness. The purpose of this research is to review and discuss the socio-cultural metaphors and messages from the single image; furthermore, to enhance the connection between the image and the artist’s big idea--“ dying and existence”. Dying or Vanishment, a sustained state of motion, is not easy to perceive; neither is the mystery of spirits and phantoms, which represent the unpredictable strong power. The ghost is one theme of traditional Chinese brush paintings, and as a result, the artist’s creation is based on the theory of ghost painting and self-observation of the environment. Nowadays, although the developed technology is all around modern society, these grotesque fables havenever disappeared on account of the glory of science. Contrarily, the spiritual/demoniac images are even more vivid for individuals by the popularizing of mass media. The images become multiform from the variation of social culture and emotions of individuals. After the analysis and induction of the theory, the result of the creative research is representedin the form of skeletions and ghosts that express the vanishing emotion.水墨創作骷髏消逝存在Chinese ink painting creationskeletonDying(Vanishment)existence消逝與存在 一種逝去而殘存或再生的美感Dying and Existence—A sence of beauty which remained from vanishment or survived from revivification.