賴英娟陸偉明董旭英2014-10-272014-10-272011-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11269本研究旨在探討台灣大三學生的正向特質與正向情緒對憂鬱情緒之效應,其中分析自尊、生活目標、希望感及校園人際關係等變項對憂鬱情緒之影響徑路,並針對所建構之模式進行適配度考驗。研究樣本乃取自畫灣高等教育資料庫之94學年度大三學生問卷,共計24,999 人。結果發現:( 1)自尊除了對生活目標、希望感、校園人際關係及憂鬱情緒具有直接影響外,亦能透過上述變項對憂鬱情緒產生間接影響;(2)生活目標對希望感具有直接影響,亦會透過希望感對校園人際關係與憂鬱情緒產生間接影響;(3)希望感對校園人際關係與憂鬱情緒具有直接影響外,亦會透過校園人際關係對憂鬱情緒產生間接影響;(4) 校園人際關係對憂鬱情緒具有直接影響。最後,本研究依據研究發現進行討論,並提出相關建議以供參考。The purpose of the study is to explore the effects of Taiwanese junior college students' positive trait and positive emotion on depressive mood. The structural paths of self esteem, life goals, hope, and campus interpersonal relationships to depressive mood were examined, and the goodness-of-fit of the hypothesized strucutral model was tested. Participants were 24,999 junior college students from 2005-2006 the Taiwan Higher Education Database. Results indicated goodness-of-fit ofthe data and the hypothesized model: (I) Self esteem has direct effects on life goals, hope, campus interpersonal relationship, and depressive mood, and indirect effect on depressive mood through these three variables. (2) Life goals directly influenced hope and indirectly influenced interpersonal relationships and depressive mood through hope. (3) Hope has direct effects on campus interpersonal relationships and depressive mood, and indirectly influences depressive mood through campus interpersonaI relationships. (4) Campus interpersonal relationships have a direct effect on depressive mood. Implications for educational practices and future research were discussed正向心理學次級資料希望感高等教育資料庫憂鬱情緒positive psychologysecondary dataStructural Equation ModelingTaiwan Higher Educational Database以結構方程模式探討台灣大學生自尊、生活目標、希望感及校園人際關係對憂鬱情緒之影響The Effects of Self-esteem, Life goal, Hope, and Campus Interpersonal Relationship on The Depressive Mood of College Students in Taiwan