田振榮蔡天德2019-09-042009-9-252019-09-042008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0589701011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98821本研究旨在探討嘉義縣市國中教師對綜合高中的認知程度,及其對於綜合高中所抱持之態度表現。 本研究採用文獻分析與描述性研究方法,以嘉義縣市58所公私立國中,抽取23所學校之教師共1149名為研究對象,回收有效問卷共1022份,回收率88.95%。 本研究透過研究者自編之「嘉義縣市國中教師對綜合高中的認知與態度之研究調查問卷」,蒐集嘉義縣市國中教師對綜合高中之認知程度與所抱持態度表現之相關資料。 研究獲得之資料以:次數分配、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析以及典型相關等統計方式進行分析。研究所獲得的結論如下: 一、服務學校總班級數、性別、年齡、教育程度、教學年資、擔任職務及是否參加過綜合高中相關研習等七項,是嘉義縣市國中教師對綜合高中之認知程度潛存之影響因素。 二、服務學校總班級數、性別、年齡、教學年資及擔任職務等五項,是嘉義縣市國中教師對綜合高中所抱持態度表現潛存之影響因素。 三、國中教師對綜合高中的認知程度與所抱持的態度,會因擔任職務之不同,而有不同的表現。 四、參加綜合高中相關研習有助於提昇國中教師對綜合高中的認知程度。 最後綜合上述結論,分別針對國中教師、教育行政主管單位及後續研究等三方面,提出具體建議。 關鍵字:綜合高中、認知程度、態度表現The purpose of this study aims to investigate junior high school teachers’ cognition of and attitude toward a comprehensive senior high school in Chia-Yi district. A literature review and descriptive study are adopted in the study. The participants, consisted of 1149 teachers from 23 junior high schools, are randomly sampled from 58 private and public schools in Chia-Yi district. A total of 1022 questionnaire were received. The recall rate of valid questionnaires is 88.95%. An instrument, “The Survey of Junior High School Teacher’s Cognition and Attitude toward a Comprehensive Senior High School in Chia-Yi district,” is designed and utilized in this research for data collection. Quantitative methods are employed for data analysis, including frequency distribution, average, standard deviation, independent t-tests, one way ANOVA, and canonical correlation analysis. The results indicate that: 1. Seven factors, such as the a teacher’s gender, age, education level, teaching tenure, post, related training concerning comprehensive senior high schools, and the total class number of the school where a teacher works at, are found to be the potential factors for Chia-Yi junior high school teacher’s cognition of a comprehensive senior high school. 2. Five factors, such as a teacher’s gender, age, teaching tenure, post and the total class number of a school where a teacher works at, are identified as the potential factors for Chia-Yi junior high school teachers’ attitude toward a comprehensive senior high school. 3. Junior high school teachers’ cognition of and attitude toward a comprehensive senior high school would vary according to the post they hold at school. 4. Participation of related training and workshops concerning comprehensive senior high schools helps to improve junior high school teachers’ cognition of and attitude toward a comprehensive senior high school. Based on the conclusions, three implications are offered for junior high school teachers, educational administrators and future studies. Keywords: Comprehensive Senior High School, Cognition, Attitude綜合高中認知態度Comprehensive Senior High SchoolCognitionAttitude國中教師對綜合高中的認知與態度之研究-以嘉義縣市地區為對象A Study on Junior High School Teachers' Cognition and Attitude toward a Comprehensive Senior High School-the Teachers in Chia-Yi Area as an Example